Friday, May 5, 2023

Bible Reflections I 06.05.2023 - SATURDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Easter Week 4
           I - Acts 13: 44-52
          II - Jn. 14: 7-14
In today’s Gospel passage Jesus says that he is in the Father and the Father is in him.  Having seen him is having seen the father and having known him is having known the Father Himself.  All the works of Jesus testify that he is in the Father and the Father is in him.  Jesus also says that those who believe in him could do even greater things than Jesus himself because whatever is asked in the name of Jesus with faith will be done to us.  All we have to possess is that Father and Son are one.

Today the Church celebrates the feast of St. Dominic Savio, the boy at the oratory of St. John Bosco.  From the moment Savio entered the oratory, Mamma Margaret, the mother of Don Bosco discovered him to be someone different than the rest of the boys in the oratory.  Because of the unmatched actions of Dominic Savio.  “Death rather than sin” was the motto of St. Dominic Savio.  Dominic Savio submitted himself like an handkerchief in the hands of Don Bosco provided he makes him a saint.  Even at the younger age he was excelling in sacrifices and acts of charity.  He had great devotion to our Blessed Mother and kept his eyes pure to behold the beauty of the Queen in Heave, the Blessed Virgin Mary. He was highly mortified and outstanding in all his behaviour. He died at the age of fourteen and within his short period of stay at the oratory he displayed ‘heroic virtue’ among his peers. He was canonised by Pope Pius XII in 1954.  The exemplary life of Dominic Savio is a model to all of us especially to the young people who are distracted by many things in the world.  May the saint help us to bear witness to Christ in all our actions as we in the silence of our heart keep praying: “Saint Dominic Savio, Pray for us”