I - Acts 5: 17-26
II - Jn. 3: 16-21
In today’s Gospel passage Jesus says that God sent His only Son Jesus because He loved the world so much. God wanted that everyone be saved and inherit the eternal life. To be saved and to inherit eternal life is simple: to believe in the one sent into the world, His Son and our Lord Jesus Christ. Those who desire and does what is true naturally accept Jesus, the Light sent into the world. Those who live in the dark are not so much comfortable with light because they are evil and so they dislike God, the ultimate One, Good, Truth and Beauty.
In the light of the Gospel passage of day, analyse our attitude towards the truth. If we are carried away by the fantasies of the world we would naturally avoid God because His principles are too demanding and appear to be highly impractical. But those who love truth and live by the same come what may, would stand by and with God who loves them so much even to the extent of allowing His Son to be crucified for our salvation. Live in truth and topsy turvy the world with the Gospel values. May our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “Lord Jesus, lead us to the truth”.
God so loved the world Amen
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