I - Acts. 4: 13-21
II - Mk. 16: 9-15
The witness of Mary Magdalene about the risen Lord and the testimony of the two disciples about their Emmaus Journey with the risen Lord did not suffice to convince the other disciples about the resurrection of the Lord. Finally Jesus appeared to the eleven themselves and upbraided them for their lack of faith and stubbornness to believe in the witness of Mary Magdalene and the testimony of the two disciples. Because he had already told them when he was with them that he would rise from the dead after three days of his death on the cross. Admonishing the disciples for their lack of faith, Jesus commissions them to go into the world and proclaim the good news to the whole of creation.
In the light of the Gospel passage of the day, let us examine our faith in the Lord Jesus especially during the times of crisis, problems, worries, fear and anxiety. The fruit of faith is joy. Easter people are joyful people for Jesus has set victory to us through his death and resurrection. Therefore stand sturdy at testing moments with the faith that the Lord is with us like powerful warrior (Jer. 20: 11). This faith in the Lord would fill us with serenity and lead us to a joyful living thereby making us a joyful witness of Christ wherever we are. In the silence of mind and heart keep repeating throughout the day to yourself: “Jesus is with me, Let nothing and none disturb me”.
Nice 👍
ReplyDeleteThank you fr♥️
ReplyDeleteInspiring message father. Thank you