I - Acts. 3: 11-26
II - Lk. 24: 35-48
Today’s Gospel passage is about Jesus appearing to the disciples, down with shattered dreams and lost hope, with his unique message of, “Peace to you” thereby restoring their hope and rejuvenating their faith. The disciples in their despair were neither able to believe the women nor the two disciples who said that they had seen the Lord. Jesus clarifies the confused disciples with his presence and blesses them with his peace.
Jesus as Prophet Isaiah says is the “Prince of Peace” (Is. 9: 6). The economic emergency in Sri Lanka, stringent lockdown at Shanghai, the war between Ukraine and Russia fan fired by the European Union that arouse the fear of the World War III in minds of the people around the world, the plight of the migrants and the immigrants and the prevailing racism and communalism make mankind to cry aloud to God for His “Peace”. May the risen Lord fill each of us and the world at large with His peace as we throughout the day keep praying in the silence of our hearts: “Risen Lord, bless the world and our families with your peace!”
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