Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Bible Reflections I 22.03.2023 - WEDNESDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Season of Lent - Week 4
           I - Is. 49: 8-15
          II - Jn. 5: 17-30


In today's Gospel passage the Jews were unable to accept Jesus because he was breaking the Sabbath and all the more he was claiming himself to be the Son of God. Despite Jesus speaking about his unity with the Father as an obedient son the Jews were stubborn to accept him because he was not fitting into their set frame of mind. Jesus went beyond and accomplished beyond the man made rules seeking only the will of the Father. 

We too like Jesus may have to face hatred and the anger of people around us because we don't fit into the frame of their set mind. That does not matter. Against all odds we need to assert our identity as Christian's then only we will be the witnesses of Jesus who feared on one in fulfilling the will of the Father. During this season of lent resolve to walk on the way of the Lord daringly and courageously come what may.

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