I - Is. 42: 1-4, 6-7
II - Mt. 3: 13-17
Today the Church celebrates the feast of the Baptism of our Lord. The public ministry of Jesus begins with his baptism. In the baptism of Jesus, two things take place: one, the baptism of John the Baptist is the baptism of repentance, meant for the conversion of sinners. Jesus receives baptism in the hands of John the Baptist making himself one among the sinners so as to save the sinners. And, secondly, Jesus gets the clarity of his mission with the baptism as prophesied by Prophet Isaiah in the first reading. Soon after his baptism, Jesus led by the Spirit goes into the desert fasting and praying before beginning his public ministry. With the desert experiences Jesus launches for his work among the people healing, preaching and proclaiming that the Kingdom of God was among them.
We have been baptised in the Lord into the Catholic and Apostolic Church by our parents, God parents and in the company of the faithful. Failing to realise our mission as the baptised children of God would betray our baptism. The Spirit of the Lord is with us too. Often we fail to heed to him because it is costing. Ask for the grace from the Lord to adhere to the voice of the Holy Spirit so that we may also become like Jesus ‘the beloved children’ of the Father in Heaven. Let our mind and heart resonate with the prayer, “Lord Jesus, help us to be your authentic witnesses.”
Inspiring message on Baptism of our lord. Thank you father
ReplyDeleteJesus help us to witness you in all we do and say .