Wednesday, November 30, 2022

நீங்கள் அறிவாளிகளா? ...I 01.12.2022 - THURSDAY I REV. FR. AROKIA DOSS S...

Bible Reflections I 01.12.2022 - THURSDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Advent Week: 1
           I - Is. 26: 1-6 
          II - Mt. 7: 21, 24-27
We have heard and witnessed disasters due to the torrential rains followed by floods. So many magnificent, trending and lofty buildings being carried and washed away in the waters because of the poor and weak foundations that were unable to withstand the current of the fast flowing floods. Jesus uses this very practical metaphor to explain about the mere hearers and the active doers of the Word of God. The active doers of the Word of God stand steadfast even if baffled and battered up by trials, temptations and misfortunes while mere listeners of the Word are washed away by the trifles of the world giving up their faith and trust in the Lord. 

Listening to the Word of God in faith and accomplishing the same with an utmost trust position life on God, the everlasting rock. These doers of the Word would hold fast to their faith, abounding in hope and would be ablaze with charity inheriting eternal life when the Son of Man comes in glory to visit them. The mere listeners would stumble and fall with even small stifle. Let our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “Lord Jesus, strengthen my faith”

Tuesday, November 29, 2022


Bible Reflections I 30.11.2022 - WEDNESDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Advent Week: 1
           I - Rom. 10: 9 -18 
          II - Mt. 4: 18-22
The Lord calls whomever he wants (Mk. 3:13): the fisherman, the tax collector, the zealot, the learned or the persecutor.  Jesus calls to be his disciples in order to be with him and to be sent out on a mission (Mk. 3:14).  The mission precisely is to preach the Good News and to build up the Kingdom of God.  To be the messengers of love, peace and joy for the purpose of establishing a subservient social order, an egalitarian society where freedom, fraternity and justice reign.  The adherence and commitment to the call of God requires faith and courage.  Faith in the one who calls will accompany all through the life journey and the courage to endure and face all suffering, persecution, defamation, false accusation and finally death on this accord.   

Today the Church celebrates the feast of St. Andrew, the brother of Simon Peter (Jn. 1:40) and the apostle of Jesus.  His commitment to the call of Jesus was instantaneous that evince his faith in the great Rabbi and the Messiah, Jesus.  He travelled around Asia Minor and Black Sea preaching the Good news with great courage and conviction.  When he was sentenced to death by crucifixion, he felt that he was unworthy to be crucified like his master Jesus Christ and hence asked to be crucified on a diagonal cross. This is why the Scottish flag have a diagonal cross as St. Andrew is the patron saint of Scotland.  Christ has called each one of us to be his followers through our baptism to partake in the priestly, kingly and prophetic mission of the Church.  We need not accomplish great things but make the principles of Christ our way of living in the day-to-day context making our ordinary living an extraordinary one as set out by Jesus our Master and Model. May St. Andrew, the apostle, strengthen our faith and help us to courageously commit ourselves to the mission of being the messengers of the Good News through our exemplary living. May our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “St. Andrew, the apostle of Christ, Pray for us”.

Monday, November 28, 2022

Bible Reflections I 29.11.2022 - TUESDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Advent Week: 1
Readings: I - Is. 11: 1-10
                 II - Lk. 10: 21-24

The Gospel passage today does not condemn the learned, the intelligent or the persons of repute instead Jesus highlights on the disposition and openness of the heart in beholding the truth as it comes. The learned, the intellectuals and the elite of Jesus’ time were the Pharisees, the Sadducees, the Chief Priest and the Scribes. They were familiar with the law and the prophecy and were fanatic in the practice of the religion. They were considered to be the custodians of their religion and the Law of Moses. But they failed to recognise the Promised One in Jesus in their pride and stubbornness of heart. Women and infants were considered as ‘nobody’ at all. Infant in the Gospel reading today, means ‘nobody’. These ‘nobody’ - the sinners, tax collectors, women, children, the poor, the disabled, the prostitutes, the gentiles and the Samaritans in their openness, simplicity and humility of heart accepted Jesus to be the Messiah. Jesus glorifies and thanks the Father for His goodness, mercy and magnanimity in choosing these ‘nobody’ to reveal Jesus His Son as their Messiah which is the gracious will of the Father. 

In the ordinary walk of life, people wish for the truth that is appealing, pleasing, and convenient but never contradicting, combating or conflicting their perspectives and ideologies. People never desire for the truth that hurts, contradicts, questions, conflicts and disturbs. Only those people who are open to the truth with the simplicity and humility of heart can be drawn to recognise the Lord as he comes to visit us. During this season of Advent let us yield ourselves unto to the truth as it comes.

Sunday, November 27, 2022

அதிகாரமும், பொறுப்பும் பணிவிடை ..I 28.11.2022 - MONDAY I REV. FR. AROKI...

Bible Reflections I 28.11.2022 - MONDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Advent Week 1
           I - Is. 4: 2-6 
          II - Mt. 8: 5-11
Today’s Gospel passage is about the healing of the centurion’s servant. Centurion was man in authority, a commander over hundred army men. He was a gentile and from the Gospel we can also conclude that he was a compassionate fellow and may be this is why he pleaded for the healing of this servant. Jesus consents to go with him to his house to heal his servant. But the centurion convinced of the authority of Jesus, asks him to command than coming in person to heal him. This act evinces the faith of the centurion. Besides this he also humbles himself before the Lord, calling himself ‘unworthy’ and this exhibits his humility. The faith and the humility of the centurion brings healing to servant besides gaining the appreciation of Jesus, the Rabbi Par excellence as well.

The two take aways of the Gospel passage of the day is: faith and humility. Faith that God can and will do for us but always aspiring to align ourselves unto his will. Because God gives only all that is best for us. In the letter of St. James we read, “Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up” (Jas. 4: 10). God is mighty and we are insignificant before him, we are his creatures. Submit to the might and power of the Lord with faith that God can do it and in humility to experience his benevolence and love.

Saturday, November 26, 2022


Bible Reflections I 27.11.2022 - SUNDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Advent 1
           I - Is. 2: 1-5 
          II - Rom. 13: 11-14
         III - Mt. 24: 37-44
We are stepping into a new liturgical season of Advent. Advent comes from the Latin word ‘Adventus’ meaning ‘coming’. Advent is the time of preparation for the coming of the Messiah - the Christmas. It is also a reminder that we be ready to behold the Son of Man as he comes with power and great gory during his second coming. Advent alerts people of God to keep themselves prepared watching and waiting. Watching in prayer so that, as the second reading says, we may appear blameless before God at the coming of Christ our Lord. Waiting in hope that as the first reading says, the Lord of righteousness will cause peace, justice and righteousness flourish in our land thereby establishing His Kingdom where freedom, fraternity and justice reign.  

During this season of Advent, watch in prayer and wait in hope to behold the “Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace” (Is. 9: 6). As we during this grace filled season of Advent prepare ourselves recalling the first Christmas at Bethlehem, focus too on the preparation for his second coming when he will come to visit and take us by hand to that everlasting Kingdom of love, peace, joy, hope and happiness that reign forever. May our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “Come Lord Jesus Come”.

Thursday, November 24, 2022

Bible Reflections I 25.11.2022 - FRIDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Ordinary Time - Week 34
           I - Rev. 22: 1-7
          II - Lk. 21: 34-36
Today’s Gospel passage is a warning against reckless living. Jesus invites us to be vigilant because the coming of the Son of God will be a sudden one.  Jesus does not threaten us but instructs us to go on living a normal life praying, alert and watchful, enduring all sufferings on account of him instead of being weighed down with dissipation, drunkenness and cares of this life. So that, we might be able to stand before the Son of Man.

When trying situations entrap us from all sides, all we have to do is to put our trust in the Lord and wait for him patiently without distraction.  Enduring everything for the sake of the living God, without denying him, will make us worthy of being found blameless before him when He comes again in all His glory and splendor.  Hope in him, stand steadfast in faith and wait for the Lord and He will definitely act on our behalf bringing salvation and relief. Let our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “Lord Jesus, I trust in you”.

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Bible Reflections I 24.11.2022 - THURSDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Ordinary Time - Week 34
           I - Rev. 18: 1-2, 21-23; 19: 1-3, 9
          II - Lk. 21: 20-29
The Gospel passage is about two prophecies of Jesus: one, about the fall and destruction of Jerusalem; and two about the coming of the Son of man with power and glory, the second coming of Jesus.  Many times Jerusalem had been destroyed and held captive and people had witnessed the fulfillment of the prophecy of Jesus.  The second is yet to come.  We need not be panicked or alarmed but hope in the redemption that comes with the second coming of Jesus.  

Jesus says to straighten up and raise our heads high, in short to be ready to behold him as he comes.  Only those who are prepared and ready can do this.  Being prepared and ready to meet him can be possible only to those who walk in the Law of the Lord, love and trust him in all his ways.  We may not know the time and place but Jesus would come as he has promised.  Be prepared to behold him.

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

மன உறுதியோடு இருங்கள்.I 23.11.2022 - WEDNESDAY I REV. FR. AROKIA DOSS SD...

Bible Reflections I 23.11.2022 - WEDNESDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Ordinary Time - Week 34
           I - Rev. 15: 1-4
          II - Lk. 21: 12-19
On account of Jesus, we might have to endure opposition, oppression, accusations and persecutions from those in power, position and authority. We might be betrayed by our own family, friends and relatives, hated and put to death. Jesus exhorts to endure with the blessed assurance of his assistance and protection. He promises of wisdom in our speech which none of the adversaries would be able to contradict. We are so precious to the Lord that he will never let even a hair our head to perish.  

Do not get panicked at embarrassing and endangering situation, the Lord our God like a mighty warrior and would fight on our behalf, defending and protecting (Jer. 20:21). Endure everything with the Lord until the day of meeting him face to face, for he says, “I will not leave you as orphans” (Jh. 14:18)” and “Surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age” (Mt. 28: 20). Endure every trial patiently with the joy of meriting the Kingdom of God when he comes in His glory. May our mind and heart resonate with the prayer, “Lord Jesus, help me to be your witness”.

Monday, November 21, 2022

புனித செசிலியா I SAINT CECILIA I 22.11.2022 - TUESDAY I REV. FR. AROKIA ...

Bible Reflections I 22.11.2022 - TUESDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Ordinary Time - Week 34
           I - Rev. 14: 14-19
          II - Lk. 21: 5-11
St. Cecelia (Memorial)
In the Gospel passage of the day, Jesus predicts the destruction of the Jerusalem temple. The temple of Jerusalem was their pride as people of God. It was intertwined with the emotions of every Jew. Jesus also predicts the sufferings that the people of God had to endure under the clutches of the great and greedy rulers, the powers of the world, natural catastrophes, war and violence. At those circumstances Jesus instructs people to remain calm in the Lord. Because all atrocious activities and oppressing powers will be overthrown with the coming of the Kingdom of God. From the Gospel passage it can be inferred that we have to be ready to face any suffering on account of Jesus, endure so willingly with the hope that God will one day act on our behalf.  

Today the Church celebrates the feast of St. Cecilia, the patroness of music and musicians, who offered herself to the Lord with all her heart, body and soul. On account of her love and devotion to the Lord she had to lose her head and be martyred. Saint Cecelia courageously endured and saved her life for the eternal kingdom. May the saint of the day, help us to stand for the Lord with resolute firmness in his love. Let our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “St. Cecelia, Pray for us”.

Sunday, November 20, 2022


கிறிஸ்து அரசர் பெருவிழா I SOLEMNITY OF CHRIST THE KING - 20.11.2022 I RE...

Bible Reflections I 21.11.2022 - MONDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Ordinary Time - Week 34
           I - Rev. 14: 1-3, 4-5
          II - Lk. 21: 1-4
Today the Church celebrates the presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the temple. The feast recalls the grace filled moment when the parents of Mother Mary, St. Joachim and St. Anne presented their daughter in the temple. Against all odds, captivity, exile, desecration of their temple, oppression and suppression, the people of Israel hoped in the deliverance of the Lord. In every new born they hoped for God’s promise of deliverance: the Messiah. To echo Prophet Zechariah, in her presentation, Mary enters the temple as ‘Daughter of Sion’ that signaled the imminent coming of the Immanuel. Mary enters the temple as the chosen of God, who would one day become the temple of the Lord - the Word made Flesh!  

The Gospel passage of the day is about the widow who presented two small copper coins to the Lord in the temple. She contributed all that she had for her living to Lord must be with great devotion and love for the Lord and won also the appreciation of the Lord. From the feast and the Gospel passage of the day, we can take away two points for our life. One, the role of family in the life of children. In bringing up Mary, in way that the Lord God wanted, St. Joachim and St. Anne, made her befitting to be the Mother of the Lord. Create a conducive environment in the family for the children to grow up as God’s children. And two, the attitude behind every one of our offering should be love and devotion with no self-seeking interests. Let our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “Blessed Virgin Mary, Pray for us”.

Saturday, November 19, 2022

Bible Reflections I 20.11.2022 - SUNDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

           I - 2 Sam. 5: 1-3
          II - Col. 1: 12-20 
         III - Lk. 23: 35-43
Today the Church joyously celebrates the solemnity of the Kingship of Christ our Lord. The feast was introduced by Pope Pius XI with his encyclical ‘Quas Primas’ to combat the secularism that was prevailing. Pomp, power, glory, glamour, might and majesty mark the earthly royalty. The feast tries to put the right side up in celebrating the Kingship of Christ that authority and power consists in love, kindness, meekness, gentleness, humility and simplicity. In the first reading, David’s kinsmen anoint him to be their king. In Israel, anointing was a ritual that inaugurated the offices of the prophets, the priests and the kings. The idea of ‘messianism’ started with God’s covenant with David, a promise of God to establish his dynasty forever. The Good Shepherd from the line of the shepherd David! The second reading projects that we are the partakers in the inheritance of Christ our Lord. In the Gospel reading, on his Cross, Jesus sets the essence of Kingdom: love and forgiveness. Like the thieves on the either side of the cross, we are given the freedom of choice, either to accept him and remain in his Kingdom or to reject him and restrain from his Kingdom.  

With the celebration of the solemnity of the Feast of Christ the King, the ordinary time of the liturgical year ends and we are about to enter into the season of advent. This celebration is an invitation to accept the kingship of Jesus. Rid from all that is not of the Kingdom of God and make worthy of befitting into that Kingdom where freedom, fraternity and justice reign. Let us during the day keep praying like the good theif: “Jesus, remember me in your kingdom”.

Friday, November 18, 2022

உடனிருக்கும் இறைவனை உணர்வோமா? I 19.11.2022 - SATURDAY I REV. FR. AROKIA ...

Bible Reflections I 19.11.2022 - SATURDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Ordinary Time - Week 33
           I - Rev. 11: 4-12 
          II - Lk. 20: 27-40

The Sadducees were scholars and experts in Torah, the first five books of the Scripture. Yet, firstly, the failed to recognise the presence of the Lord in Jesus and secondly, they were far away from the wisdom of God. They were trying to figure out the heaven from their earthly experience. This is why Jesus quotes from Torah; the incident of the burning bush that remained unconsumed and Moses calling the Lord as the God of Abraham, God of Isaac and the God of Jacob thereby proving that He is the God of the living and no the God of the dead. 

We are often not different from the Sadducees who were blind with eyes open wide. They were learned and scholars but failed to understand the wisdom of God when the time demanded. The Lord comes to us in the Word, Sacraments, persons and events, we miss him for various reasons. With all God experience we often too fail to discover him when the time demands. Invoke the wisdom of the Lord to discover him at every moment of our lives. Let our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “Lord Jesus, give me the gift of wisdom to recognise you”.

Thursday, November 17, 2022

Bible Reflections I 18.11.2022 - FRIDAY I INDRAYA MANNA

Ordinary Time - Week 33
           I - Rev. 10: 8-11 
          II - Lk. 19: 45-48
Today’s Gospel passage is an invitation to reflect upon the two aspects of Jesus viz. the power of his life and the power of his words. On entering the temple, Jesus drove out those selling things in the temple and none dared to prevent nor disapprove of him for his act because such was the power of his life, a life of righteousness par excellence. In the second part of the Gospel passage of the day, we read that the crowd that listened to Jesus was spell bound at his teachings. Such was the power of his words. 

Today the church celebrates the feast of the dedication of the basilicas of Saints Peter and Paul. Peter recognised Jesus in the might catch (Lk. 5:1-11) and Paul in his Damascus experience (Acts.9: 1-8). They recognised him rightly, followed him passionately and offered themselves willingly as martyrs for their faith in the Risen Lord. To mark the heroism of the two giants and the pillars of the Church and churches dedicated for them in their name for the glory of the Lord. We are the temple of God (1Cor. 6:19). Keep worthy of yourselves so that we may be befitting when Christ comes to visit us through the Scripture, persons and events. Recognising and living for him is glory to Him. May St. Peter and St. Paul, like them, help us to be effective in our words and through our lives in bearing witness to the life of Christ. Let our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “Saints Peter and Paul pray for us”.

Wednesday, November 16, 2022


Bible Reflections I 17.11.2022 - THURSDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Ordinary Time - Week 33
            I - Rev. 5: 1-10
           II - Lk. 19: 41-44.
Today the Church celebrates the feast of St. Elizabeth of Hungary. She is the patron saint of beggars, bakers, charities, homeless people, hospitals, widows, and brides. She is also known as St. Elizabeth of Thuringia. She lost her mother when she was six years. With the death of her mother Elizabeth’s perspective of life and death changed completely and she began to seek peace with prayer. She was married to Ludwig, a noble man whom she loved deeply. They had three children and one of them embraced the religious life. St. Elizabeth devoted her life to prayer and works of charity. Taken up by the life of St. Francis of Assisi, she lived a simple, austere and charitable life. In 1226 when floods and disease struck Thuringia, she took care of the victims and built hospital for them. It is said that during one of her trips delivering bread to the poor in secret, her husband Ludwig met her and enquired her with questions to erase everyone's suspicions that she was stealing treasures from the castle. He asked her to reveal the contents under her cloak, and as she did a vision of white and red roses was seen. To Ludwig, this incident manifested God's protection. St. Elizabeth is depicted with a basket of bread to show her love for the poor and hungry. St. Elizabeth was canonised by Pope Gregory IX on May 27, 1235. 

In today’s Gospel passage Jesus weeps over Jerusalem because Jerusalem failed to recognise the presence of the Promised one in its midst. The more he wanted to gather, the more they scarred and went far away from him. Every day during the Eucharistic celebration, the Lord comes to us in the form of the Holy Eucharist, if we recognise him we will shine as Credible Christians like St. Elizabeth of Hungary in our love for God and neighbour. May the saint inspire to recognise God in every moment of life and in every person we meet.

Tuesday, November 15, 2022


Bible Reflections I 16.11.2022 - WEDNESDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Ordinary Time - Week 33
            I - Rev. 4: 1-11
           II - Lk. 19: 11-28.
The noble man in today’s Gospel passage goes on a journey to receive for himself a kingdom and so he calls ten of his servants and gives them ten minas and asks them to engage in business until he comes. ‘mina’ is used only in the Gospel according to Luke. ‘mina’ is less than a ‘talent’ sixty minas make a talent. The amount was less a talent. He gives it with no condition of how to engage but only with an instruction to engage. On his return, he calls them for reporting, the first one gives back making it ten minas, the second one, into five and the third, having kept it idle, starts accusing the master. The master in the end rewards the first two and punishes the last. 

God is our loving master. Each of us are bestowed with graces, blessings, gifts and talents meant to be utilised in establishing the Kingdom of God. For every gift wasted in this regard should greatly be accounted for on his return or rather when we encounter the Lord after our earthly existence here on earth. If we have utilised them well we can hear from the Lord, “Well done, good and faithful servant…..come and share your master’s happiness” (Mt. 25: 23). Discover, appreciate and utilise the gifts of God in establishing freedom, fraternity and justice here on earth instead of wasting our time in vain. Let our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “Lord Jesus, thank you for my talents. Help me use them well for your glory”.

Monday, November 14, 2022

Bible Reflections I 15.11.2022 - TUESDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Ordinary Time - Week 33
            I - Rev. 3: 1-6; 14-22
           II - Lk. 19: 1-10
Today’s Gospel passage is about the conversion of Zacchaeus. The curiosity of Zacchaeus and the compassion of Jesus results in the conversion of Zacchaeus, the Chief tax collector. Zacchaeus was curious to see Jesus, the familiar and trending rabbi of the time. On account of the crowd and his short stature, he ran ahead and climbed the sycamore tree. To his astonishment, Jesus in his compassion and mercy proposes for a stay at his house. This compassionate act of Jesus brings about a roundabout conversion in the life of Zacchaeus. In order to gain and retain the love of the Lord, greedy Zacchaeus gives up all that he had accumulated at the cost of the hatred of his people around and his loneIIness with the title as ‘the sinner’. 
For love and friendship of Jesus many have given up along with their possessions their lives as well. We may say we love God. And if we do love God, are we ready to give up all that does not align with the will of God? If we dare to give up all that is not of God, then we are credible Christians called to walk on the way of the Lord. Cooperate with the grace of God and give up hatred, anger, jealousy, false finding attitude, gossip, pride, dishonesty, greed, enmity and avarice and shine brightly as sterling Christians in charity after the compassionate heart of Jesus. Then can we hear Jesus say, “Today salvation has come to this house”. May our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “Lord Jesus, give me the courage to give up anything for your love".

Sunday, November 13, 2022


Bible Reflections I 14.11.2022 - MONDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Ordinary Time - Week 33
            I - Rev. 1: 1-4; 2: 1-5
           II - Lk. 18: 35-43
Children’s Day (India)
Today’s Gospel passage is about the healing of the blind beggar on the road near Jericho. Three lessons can be drawn for life from this passage. One, though the beggar was blind, he was attentive and keen in capturing what was happening around him. When he realised that Jesus was passing by, he began to shout out saying, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me”. Two, the crowds commanded him to be quite. The more they ordered the shouted even more louder calling out the name of Jesus for his healing. And, three, the gratefulness of the blind beggar. Regaining his sight the blind beggar followed Jesus, glorifying God. At all moments in our life, be attentive to capture the presence of God; call to him at the time of trouble without giving in to despair and discouragement and finally thank God at all times for all his marvels in our life.

Today in India, we celebrate Children’s Day. Children are the greatest gift and model to each of us. Of all things Jesus turned upside down, none was more surprising and unexpected than his depiction of a little child as the model we should imitate and learn from. The image he put forward as the ideal to strive for was not the image of some great heroic figure, a person of great strength and power, a superstar, or even a wise old man or woman . For Jesus, the child was a model of radical humility, trust, a sense of wonder and playfulness. While we thank God for the Children who are the great asset of a nation, do not also forget to pray for those children who have lost their childhood becoming victims of social evils like trafficking, child abuse, alcohol, violence, hard labour and drugs. May God bless all our children, the pillars of the Church and the Nation. God Bless them all. Let our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “Lord Jesus, bless our children”.

Saturday, November 12, 2022

Bible Reflections I 13.11.2022 - SUNDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Ordinary Time - Week 33
            I - Mal. 4: 1-2
           II - 2 Thess. 1: 7-12
          III - Lk. 21: 5-19

Through readings of the day, the Church invites us to be prepared for the day of the Lord so as to face it courageously and joyously. In the first reading, Prophet Malachi compares the day of the Lord to a burning oven that will stubble all the arrogant and the evil doers but the righteous who revered the name of the Lord will rise with the healing in its wings. The second reading is a refutation against false preaching. St. Paul with his life example, encourages the Christians at Thessalonica to work quietly and earn their living with faith and hope in the Lord like Paul himself, instead of getting deceived by the false preaching that they can conduct their life in idleness and anyhow, because of the delay in the coming of the Lord. In the Gospel passage Jesus predicts the destruction of the temple and the persecutions that his people have to encounter on his accord. Jesus assures of his support and encourages to endure the suffering with faith and hope in him.

In our own times we hear of wars, pandemic, natural calamities and betrayals. We need not fear or get panicked but trust in the Lord who assures “fear not, I am with you” in every problem or trouble we encounter. Just walk on the track set out by our Lord - Love and endure everything with faith and hope in him, revering his holy name so that we can meet the Lord as he comes in all his glory true to his promises. Let our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “Lord Jesus, help me to live a life worthy of you”

Friday, November 11, 2022


Bible Reflections I 12.11.2022 - SATURDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Ordinary Time - Week 32
            I - 3 Jn. 5-8
           II - Lk. 18: 1-8

Today’s Gospel passage is on the parable of the unjust judge and the widow. The judge neither feared God nor respected men. The Judge had least concern for the Law of the Lord or in the wellbeing of his fellowmen. Still, he gave justice to the widow not out of pity or concern for her but she was bothering him so much with her incessant pleading. Unlike the unjust judge, God is our loving, kind and compassionate Father, will he not grant justice to his children when they cry to him night and day for help? But all we require is an unshakable faith in Him.

We are the children of God, the loving, compassionate and merciful Father. In the trending world of the time, we get everything at the click of a button. We need everything instantaneously. We have lost the great value of patience. This has entered our prayer life as well. We expect an immediate response from God. We are least interested in the ‘waiting time’. Let the parable help us to be convinced that we are children of God and that our prayers would be answered ‘Just in Time’ when required. Patiently persevere and remain steadfast in prayer with hope and faith in the Lord. May our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: "Lord Jesus, bless me with the gift of faith".

Thursday, November 10, 2022


Bible Reflections I 11.11.2022 - FRIDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Ordinary Time - Week 32
           I - 2 Jn. 4-9
          II - Lk. 17: 26-37
Quoting two disasters, Jesus cautions for our preparedness to meet the day of the Lord at any part of the time or day. Through today’s Gospel passage we are called to confront the world order that is opposed to the Gospel living and never to compromise in order to just thrive in this world. Noah and Lot, the righteous of God lived surrounded by people who conducted their lives as though God never existed. The wrath of God consumed them but saving the families of Noah and Lot for their righteousness.    

The Scripture says, “For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to Him” (2 Chro. 16: 9). Do not give up hope and courage to live for the Lord. Even amidst disaster, mishap, tragedy or catastrophe His hand would already be there to save and secure His people who live by His commands. The second coming of Jesus to each of us individually would be when we finally bid ‘good bye’ to this world once and for all. Our preparedness ensures our pursuance into that blissful eternity. Let us in the silence of our hearts keep praying, “Lord Jesus, give me the courage to live by your command”.

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Bible Reflections I 10.11.2022 - THURSDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Ordinary Time - Week 32
           I - Philemon 7: 7-20
          II - Lk. 17: 20-25
Through today’s Gospel passage Jesus clarifies our attitude towards the Kingdom of God. We need not be carried away by the words of the people who say that the Kingdom of God is ‘here’ and ‘there’ but Jesus enlightens us that the Kingdom of God is amidst us.  

We need not look to the heavens for the coming of the Kingdom on the other hand, as Jesus says, it is amidst us. Even act of love: a kind word, compassionate look, understanding gesture, encouraging presence, our striving for justice, voice to the voiceless, timely support or an helping hand; manifest the kingdom of God amidst us. Because kingdom of God is but presence of love, peace, joy, freedom and fraternity. Filled with the grace of God, try to foster the values of the kingdom in and around you. Let our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “Lord Jesus, may our kingdom come”.

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Bible Reflections I 09.11.2022 - WEDNESDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Ordinary Time - Week 32
           I - Ezk. 47: 1-2, 8-9, 12
          II - Jn. 2: 13-22
Dedication of the Lateran Basilica (Feast) 
The extension of the ‘tent of meeting’ pitched by Moses (Ex. 7:33) was the temple the Israelites built for the Lord.  The ‘tent of dwelling’ (Jn. 1:14) is what we are, the temple of God where the Spirit of the Lord dwells (1 cor. 6:19).  The former is the dwelling made for God and the latter is God made dwelling for Himself.  In the ‘tent of meeting’ God consents to dwell and in the ‘tent of dwelling’ God desires to dwell.  The purpose being the same: prayer, worship, praises, thanksgiving and ultimately the spread of the glory of God.  The precedence of commerce, trade and business profaned the purpose of the temple that triggered the anger of Jesus resulting in the cleaning of the temple. 

We are created to sing the praises of God and spread the glory of His name through our Love, peace, unity, fraternity, justice and amicability towards one another, wherever we are.  If we had failed in this purpose we need to be cleansed so as to be restored to our purpose.  Today we celebrate the feast of the Dedication of the Lateran Church, called as the ‘Mother and Mistress of all Churches”.  May the celebration enable, enkindle and enthuse us to live up to the purpose as the temple of God.  May our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “Lord our God, May my life become an unending praise to you”.

Monday, November 7, 2022

Bible Reflections I 08.11.2022 - TUESDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Ordinary Time - Week 32
           I - Titus 2: 1-8, 11-14
          II - Lk. 17: 7-10
It has become a normal trend for the people to either work for publicity or for a reward. The number of social networks and the contents would vouch for peoples craving for publicity. Not even a small good is accomplished either in silence or without expectation of any reward. We have applied this to God also. We promise to do something to God so that He does something in return, a sort of ‘give and take’ or ‘return and reward’ business. In today’s Gospel passage Jesus highlights that service is the best form of our love and devotion to God and humanity. To love and serve God is our duty and to love and serve the humanity is our responsibility.

There are also people amidst us who never bother about name, fame or popularity but go on quietly accomplishing their responsibility in love and silence. They don’t do anything expecting a return but with the satisfaction and happiness of helping someone in need. These are the people who will be revered and held high by God. Try to make love in service as worship, this is the type of worship that God desires.

Sunday, November 6, 2022

Bible Reflections I 07.11.2022 - MONDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Ordinary Time - Week 32
           I - Titus 1: 1-9
          II - Lk. 17: 1-6
We can draw three points from the Gospel passage of the day: One, not to be a cause of scandal or a stumbling block to anyone; secondly, to forgive an offender untiringly and unceasingly; and finally, anything is possible to the one who has faith.  

Faith in the Lord leads to fear of the Lord. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. Any wise person would certainly abide by the Word of God and avoid all that is forbidden by the Lord. Hence, he/she would dare not to be a scandal to anyone and would dare to accomplish all that is commanded by the Law of the Lord. So that we can live and let others also live in God. Let our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “Lord Jesus fill us with faith”.

Saturday, November 5, 2022

Bible Reflections I 06.11.2022 - SUNDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Ordinary Time - Week 32
           I - 2 Macc. 7: 1-2, 9-14
          II - 2 Thess. 2: 16-3:5 
         III - Lk. 20: 27-40

Today’s Gospel passage assures of resurrection and a forever company with the Lord. All love on this earth is but the spark of that divine love. All relationships culminate in the ultimate relationship with and in God. When the earthly existence is ended, each of us will behold the bless of the Lord depending on the good deeds done in faith. The individual and God will be the only relationship that would exist, singing the praises of Him whom we glorified here on the earth with our lives, accomplishing our responsibilities. 

We are left with only two options to live our life here on this earth. To choose God and to live forever or otherwise. Not to waste our life in vain in unnecessary attachment here on this earth that does not follow us here after. But to utilise everything as a means to reach heaven, the destiny final. Let our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “Lord lead us to the truth”.

Friday, November 4, 2022

Bible Reflections I 05.11.2022 - SATURDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Ordinary Time - Week 31
           I - Phil. 4: 10-19
          II - Lk. 16: 9-15

In today’s Gospel passage Jesus says, “No one can serve two masters; for a slave will either hate the one and love the other, or be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and wealth” (Lk. 16: 13). Through this passage Jesus invites us to be clear about our choice: wealth or God. One can never stand up for two things at a time. Either ‘this’ or ‘that’ and never ‘this and that’. All that is fake and duplicate has the capacity to allure and alienate one from God that is real, absolute and the ultimate. No one ever who has fixed focus on the riches of the world have got contented or satisfied with the same. In the process of gaining riches, wealth, power, honour, popularity and status, they get alienated from God, people and from their very own family members. On the other hand, the one who chooses God chooses to be with His suffering humanity enduring all suffering on this account still filled with serenity, peace, joy, hope and peace. Wealth of this world would not follow us after our life here on this earth while choosing God would follow us to reward with the joy of being with the Lord in the Paradise forever. The choice is ours.  

Today being the first Saturday of the month, we fondly remember our Blessed Mother who positioned her life centering on God. May she be our model and guide in choosing God again and again in our little choices of life. Let our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “Mother Mary, teach us to serve God alone”.

Thursday, November 3, 2022

Bible Reflections I 04.11.2022 - FRIDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Ordinary Time - Week 31
           I - Phil. 3:17 - 4:1
          II - Lk. 16: 1-8

Today’ Gospel passage is about the parable of the dishonest manager. The dishonest manager was shrewd and acted smart when he knew that his position would be taken away from him because of his squandering. Aware of his weakness and inability to earn his living if he was dismissed from the job, he followed a strategy. A strategy that would make him welcomed by the debtors of the rich man! He quickly restructured the debts of the debtors. A strategic planning for an honoured sustenance after his dismissal by the rich man!

“The children of this age are shrewder in dealing with their own generation than are the children of light” (Lk. 16: 8). Our life here on the earth is a shadow and would swiftly pass away. But we spend our time and energy to sustain an honoured living. We are meticulous in planning for our education, employment, career opportunities and career development. We are shrewd and act smart for a happy living here on the earth that is impermanent but seldom do we concentrate on our happy living for an eternity with the Lord, in that paradise. Love is the only strategy that would unlock the Kingdom of God and make us befitting too to be in that Kingdom. Be smart and shrewd in practicing the strategy of love in order to be welcomed by the Lord, “Come, you who are blessed by my Father, take your inheritance, the Kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world” (Mt. 25:34). Today, being the first Friday of the month, a day dedicated to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, let us constantly keep praying: “Sacred Heart of Jesus, fill my heart with your love”

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Bible Reflections I 03.11.2022 - THURSDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Ordinary Time - Week 31
            I -Phil. 3: 3-8
           II - Lk. 15: 1-10
Giving up for a cause though costs, it is joyful and voluntary.  Let us base our reflection on the first reading today.  St. Paul was a reputed and righteous person, disciple of the great teacher of the Law, Gamaliel, a man held in high esteem by all Jews (Acts 22:3), an Israelite belonging to the tribe of Benjamine, a Hebrew of Hebrews, Roman citizen by birth and a zealous Pharisee who persecuted the Church of Christ. Once he discovered the Jesus is the promised Messiah he was ready to give up anything for the sake of Christ but only to earn the hatred and enmity of his own people and the fellow Pharisees, enduring suffering, persecution, loss of reputation, hunger and thirst, all for the sake of Christ. This he did joyfully because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ the Lord. 

Jesus says, “The truth will set you free” (Jn. 8: 32).  “Let go” becomes the attitude of the one who discovers the truth.  We call ourselves Christians but are we Christ like in our charity, forgiveness, kindness, meekness, humility and simplicity. Practicing all these virtues costs our pride, ego, status, name and fame.  Are we ready to give up joyfully for the sake of Jesus who has shown us the way with his life?  May the life of St. Paul inspire us to give up anything for the sake of Jesus our Lord.  Let our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “Lord Jesus, give me the courage to 'Let go'”

Tuesday, November 1, 2022


Bible Reflections I 02.11.2022 - WEDNESDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Ordinary Time - Week 31
            I -Wis. 3: 1-9
           II - Rom. 5: 5-11
          III - Jn. 6: 37-40

The communion of saints subsists in the three states of the Church viz. the Triumphant, Penitent and the Militant.  Yesterday we joyously celebrated the victory of the Triumphant Church, the reward of all who stood steadfast in the Lord during their journey here on the earth.  Today we are invited to pray for the Penitent Church, for those holy souls who are in the state of atonement for their sins.  These holy souls await our suffrages and intercession with the Lord for them, so that they may dwell in the joy of being with the Lord for her. While the ‘All Souls Day’ is an ‘alert’, the ‘All Saints Day’ is an ‘assurance’ to the Militant Church.  An ‘alert’ to align our lives unto the ways of God and an ‘assurance’ that we are destined to dwell in and with the Lord forever. 

We fondly remember today all our departed parents, kith and kin, friends, relatives, dear and near ones who had been a part of what we are today.  There are still so many others completely forgotten by the people on earth.  It is our bounden duty to generously offer our prayers to all of them for their eternal repose.  The prayers we make on their behalf benefits mutually.  Our prayers will help the departed to enter the paradise, the eternal bliss and their constant intercession with the Lord for us will strengthen, support and assist us in our earthly journey that will make us befitting to enter the heaven on the completion of our journey here on the earth.

The Church dedicates the month of November to remember and pray for the Holy Souls.  Offer every one of our word, deed, prayers and the Holy Mass for the eternal repose of our departed brethren. Let us keep praying as often as possible the following prayer trusting in the mercy of God: “Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord; and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. Amen”.