I - 2 Kings 5: 14-17
II - 2 Tim. 2: 8-13
III - Lk. 17: 11-19
The first reading and the Gospel passage of the day is about the healing of the leper and ten lepers respectively. Gratitude is an attitude. The Syrian who came to thank the prophet and the Samaritan who turned back to Jesus praising God loudly in the Gospel passage, both were considered as outcasts by the Israelites. The nine went to get back their recognition in the society while the Samaritan recognised the presence of God in the person of Jesus. Grateful people do not take anything for granted. The Jews who paraded themselves to be the people of God took the healing for granted while an outcast came back to thank Jesus. They were all filled with faith but failed to be grateful.
It is faith that keeps our life going. We are sure of the routine works of everyday and we seldom think about those people who make the day a comfortable one for us. From the rising till retiring many people contribute to the smooth functioning of our life. Let us today take some time to just recollect those insignificant persons behind our best day and thank God for them and thank them as well for making our life colourful and joyful. May our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “Lord Jesus, we thank you”.