Monday, October 31, 2022

Bible Reflections I 01.11.2022 - TUESDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Ordinary Time - Week 31
            I - Rev. 7: 2-4, 9-14
           II - I Jn. 3: 1-3
          III - Mt. 5: 1-12

ALL SAINTS DAY (Solemnity)
The ultimate goal of our earthly existence here is our eternal life with the Lord forever in heaven. Today the Church rejoices in the victory of those who passed by the world, living here a worthy and heroic life befitting to their identity as the ‘Children of God’. In asserting this identity, they would have endured a great ordeal that purified them, making them worthy to stand before the throne of the lamb that is all holy and fully of glory. Standing for the Lord in this world courageously yet joyfully; bravely yet blaming none and daringly yet with diligence would take us to the throne of the Lord, the ultimate destination for all children of God.  

The ‘Blessed’ in the beatitudes of the Gospel passage are sure to join the band of the saints whom we celebrate today. The ‘blessed’ according to the Word of God, would certainly behold the throne of God after their life here on this earth. The poor, the mourners, the meek, those men and women who hunger for truth and justice, the merciful, the pure in heart, the peacemakers, those persecuted for justice and those falsely accused on account of Jesus reap their reward in full measure, true to the promise of Jesus. Life is a free gift of God but life eternal is the reward for those dare to stand for God in all that they do and say. May the saints we celebrate today help us to courageously align our lives unto the ways of God. Let us mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “All saints of the Lord, Pray for us”.

Sunday, October 30, 2022

ஏழைகளுக்கு கொடுங்கள், விண்ணில் செல்வந்தர் ஆவீர் I 31.10.2022 - MONDAY I ...

Bible Reflections I 31.10.2022 - MONDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Ordinary Time - Week 31
            I - Phil. 2: 1-4
           II - Lk. 14: 12-14

Today’s Gospel passage is a refutation against inviting type of people for any dinner and banquet. It is quite natural to invite friends, relatives, neighbours, kith and kin who can fit into the ‘status quo’ maintained in the society. But Jesus exhorts to invite those people who would be unable to pay back viz. the poor, the crippled, the lame and the blind. In short, Jesus encourages us to imbibe an attitude that sans a selfish one. These people who welcome the little and the small become ‘blessed’ and great in the sight of God.

We have seen in our own family people noting down the gifts offered by the guests during wedding, birthdays, ceremonies and other functions in order to repay them on similar occasions for which they invite us. These gifts and presents are also called as an ‘interest free debts’. We are least bothered to invite the list of people mentioned by Jesus in the Gospel passage caring for our fame and family. As Christians, dare to befriend and invite those people who seem to be helpless, poor and less fortunate, as did Jesus our Master and thereby witnessing to our Christian credibility. Let our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “Lord Jesus, give me the courage to swim against the current”

Saturday, October 29, 2022

Bible Reflections I 30.10.2022 - SUNDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Ordinary Time - Week 31
            I - Wis. 11: 22 - 12: 2
           II - 2 Thess. 1: 11 - 2: 2
          III - Lk. 14: 1, 7-11

Today’s Gospel passage is on about the conversion of Zacchaeus. An episode that is encouraging and consoling.  Zacchaeus was a chief tax collector in Jericho, an Internal Revenue Service of his time for the Romans.  Therefore he was also considered as a traitor to his nation and hated by everyone in the nation. Even Jesus acknowledges the hatred people had for tax collectors: “If they refuse to listen even to the church, treat them as you would a pagan or a tax collector”. Zacchaeus was a rich using his position, overtaxing people.  He had the full support of the Roman authorities and the people were powerless to stop him.  Zacchaeus was small in stature.  Zacchaeus already knew who Jesus was and that it was worth seeing him.  Therefore he climbed up the tree to see Jesus.  To his great surprise Jesus volunteered to be his guest in his house.  The end result of the Zacchaeus episode was conversion of Zacchaeus followed by his salvation “Today salvation has come to this house, because this man, too, is a son of Abraham.  For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost.”

Just like Zacchaeus, Jesus must visit our house today. He has no requirements for us before he comes to visit. We don’t have to make all things right with all our dealings before letting him in. He already knows who we are and what shape our house is in. He wants to be there anyway. His presence and his love for us will lead us to do things we never thought we could do: even admitting where we have been wrong and making things right. We can easily assume that Zacchaeus lived a different, fuller life after this encounter with Jesus. And we can have the same experience.  Let our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “Lord Jesus, come into my heart”.

Friday, October 28, 2022

Bible Reflections I 29.10.2022 - SATURDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Ordinary Time - Week 30
            I - Phil. 1: 18-26
           II - Lk. 14: 1, 7-11

Almost all of us wish to be esteemed, honoured, respected, revered and held high. This is quite normal. But excessive expectation and undue attachment to the same is admonished by Jesus in today’s Gospel passage. Humble person accepts oneself as he/she is with self-awareness and self-knowledge. The hypocrites instead consider themselves higher to others. Jesus in today’s Gospel passage invites to humble oneself in order to he exalted by telling a parable about seeking for a place of honour when invited as a guest. It is better someone come and take to a place of honour than to be dragged to the lowest place.    

Self-knowledge and self-acceptance wraps one with humility freeing from false pride, vain glory and self honour. May the kenosis (self-emptying) of Jesus, renouncing his own divinity and his great humility in stooping down to the level of a slave in washing the feet of his disciples, inspire and enkindle our aspiration to become more humble like our master and his Blessed Mother Mary, the humble handmaid of the Lord whom we fondly remember today. Let our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “Lord Jesus, help me to be humble like you.”

Thursday, October 27, 2022

Bible Reflections I 28.10.2022 - FRIDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Ordinary Time - Week 30
            I - Eph. 2: 19-22
           II - Lk. 6: 12-19

In today’s Gospel passage Jesus selects his apostles after a whole night of prayer.  His choice of selection at the outset might seem to be absurd and ridiculous because the team of apostles consisted of the fisher folk, the tax collector, the zealot, the illiterate, literate, the reasonable, the unreasonable, the impetuous and the cowards. But Jesus chose them, educated, empowered and sent them among a pack of wolves (Mt. 10:16) with the assurance of his presence with them, “I am with you always, to the very end of the age” (Mt. 28:20). These apostles on account of their mission, the preaching of the Good News, Jesus Christ, endured sorrow, torture, persecution, suffering and death, but in perfect peace and  joy. 

Today the Church celebrates the feast of Saints Simon and Jude, the apostles of Jesus who belonged to the band of the twelve.  Simon was also called as ‘zealot’.  Jude was the brother of James and the author of the letter of Jude in the Bible.  Simon and Jude vehemently preached the Gospel in Persia.  They were martyred there on account of their proclamation about Jesus Christ.  Simon was sawn in half and Jude was crucified and impaled with javelins.  The feast of the saints help us to introspect on our dedication and contribution to the mission of Christ as Christians. Do we stand up for Christ and his teachings, counting not the cost; or yield ourselves in self-preservation for a glimmering worldly honour, glory, pride, pomp, recognition, acceptance, popularity, riches, wealth and success?  Let our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “Lord Jesus, help us to be your witnesses”

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Bible Reflections I 27.10.2022 - THURSDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Ordinary Time - Week 30
            I - Eph. 6: 10-20
           II - Lk. 13: 31-35

The Pharisees in today’s Gospel passage tries to threaten Jesus thinking that he would flee from Jerusalem, fearing Herod. Jesus on the other hand, makes the Pharisees the messengers of his schedule to Herod courageously calling him, “Fox”. Jesus feared none but was busy engaged in the entrusted mission of salvation. Jesus was focused on Jerusalem, the people of God. Jerusalem as usual missed the Messiah, as did with the prophets and persons of God.

We can draw two take away from this passage: one, to fix our gaze on God and go about doing good; and two, not to inflict pain and suffering on people who go about doing good. When we go about accomplishing good deeds we are also prone to appreciate and uphold others who are involved in similar activities. If not, we would become like those Pharisees causing a lot of inconvenience to people who dedicate themselves for the welfare of the others through our words and deeds. Let our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “Lord Jesus, help me to be generous and charitable.”

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Bible Reflections I 26.10.2022 - WEDNESDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Ordinary Time - Week 30
            I - Eph. 6: 1-9
           II - Lk. 13: 22-30

In today’s Gospel passage Jesus exhorts us to choose the narrow gate for a blissful eternity with him in the paradise. The road to destruction is wide while the road to life is narrow and costing. Walking in the way of the Lord is choosing the narrow gate that calls for sharing, caring, giving, loving and enduring foregoing our ego, pride and selfishness.  

As Christians, we either hear or read God’s word every day and we partake with him in his supper in the Holy Eucharist. But, these would not suffice to inherit a life with him in the paradise. Living his words and giving up ourselves for the sake of the other out of love like Jesus will also grant us recognition in his eyes and rest in his company. Let us in the silence of our heart keep repeating: “Lord Jesus, give me the courage to live by your words”.

Monday, October 24, 2022

Bible Reflections I 25.10.2022 - TUESDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Ordinary Time - Week 30
           I - Eph. 5: 21-33
          II - Lk. 13: 18-21

In today’s Gospel passage Jesus compares the Kingdom of Heaven to a tiny mustard seed from which emerges a great and gigantic tree. A pinch of yeast ferments the dough of container; a spark can set a great fire aflame and; a magnificent river originate from an insignificant spring of water. All great things have humble beginnings. Random acts of kindness, love, forgiveness, peace and gentleness can cause a ripple effect around paving way to unity, freedom, fraternity and justice thereby actualising the Kingdom of God around us.   

A right word, an inspiring act, an understanding gesture, a little thoughtfulness, an attitude of let go, a bit of tolerance, a node of sympathy and a gentle tap of appreciation has the great power to turn the world upside down. Our mite is a might in the hands of God. Strive to contribute your mite towards the dream of Jesus, the Kingdom of God with all faith and trust in him. May our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “May your Kingdom come O Lord.”

Sunday, October 23, 2022

Bible Reflections I 24.10.2022 - MONDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Ordinary Time - Week 30
           I - Eph. 4: 32 - 5:8
          II - Lk. 13: 10-17

In today’s Gospel passage the compassionate and merciful Jesus who was teaching in the synagogue calls a woman who was crippled by a spirit, bent over, completely incapable of standing erect and heals her on the Sabbath. This act of Jesus, the violation of Sabbath, infuriates the hypocritic leaders of the synagogue while the simple people in the crowd rejoiced over the same. One cannot wait for time, season and reason for accomplishing any good work is the crux of the Gospel passage of the day.  

In our culture too, we often hesitate to do good on certain days and times. All days, time and season belong to God. We fail to realise this and refuse to do even those activities that charity demands of us. Go beyond all these and be concerned about not missing any opportunity that awaits us to do good. Let our mind and heart resonate with the prayer, “Lord Jesus, rid me from the prejudice of mind”.

Saturday, October 22, 2022

Bible Reflections I 23.10.2022 - SUNDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Ordinary Time - Week 30
           I - Sir. 35: 15-17, 20-22
          II - 2 Tim. 4: 6-8, 16-18
          II - Lk. 18: 9-14

The prayer of the simple, humble, widow, orphan, poor, helpless and the sinners are more powerful to influence God to act on their behalf. God hears the prayers of an humble contrite heart and instantaneous in his response solely because of zero hypocrisy. Today’s Gospel passage is on the parable of the Pharisee and the Publican. Both went to pray. One exalted himself before God and the other humbled himself before God. The Pharisee justified himself and slighted the mercy of God while the Publican acknowledged himself that he was a sinner and begged for the mercy of God. The self-righteous Pharisee thwarted God’s mercy and goodness while the Publican pleaded for God’s mercy and forgiveness. From the parable Jesus concludes saying that those who exalt themselves will be humbled and that those who humble themselves will be exalted.  

Only the one who is aware of his sin and shortcoming can improve his or her quality of living. Only when one realise that he or she is a sinner and weak being in need of God’s mercy can savour, appreciate and remain grateful to the goodness, forgiveness, mercy and the benevolence of God. Have awareness of self and acknowledge that we are weak beings in need of God’s mercy and forgiveness. Humble before the Lord and He will exalt us in His own time (Jas. 4: 10). Let our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “Lord Jesus, Son of David, Have mercy on us”.

Friday, October 21, 2022

Bible Reflections I 22.10.2022 - SATURDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Ordinary Time - Week 29
            I - Eph.: 4:7-16
           II - Lk. 13: 1-9

God calls, calls and ever calls, various persons, during various times and for various reasons enwrapped with different charism according to the dire needs of the humanity. Yes, every vocation is for the supreme mission of actualising the Kingdom of God where freedom, fraternity and justice reign. Today the Church celebrates the feast of St. John Paul II. He is known as the ‘Pope of the family’, ‘Pope of the youth’ and ‘Father of World Youth Day’. He was canonised by Pope Francis on 27th April, 2014. The papacy of Pope John Paul II was the third longest papacy in the history of the Church: twenty six years, five months and seventeen days. He was a prolific writer and had written fourteen encyclicals, fifteen apostolic exhortations, eleven apostolic constitution, forty five apostolic letters and twenty eight moter proprios. He published the first official Catholic Catechism of the Church since the council of Trent. He helped to end the communist rule in his nation Poland and eventually all of Europe. He was one of the most travelled world leaders in History, visiting 129 countries during his pontificate striving for peace, unity and harmony. As a part of his special emphasis on the universal call to holiness, he beatified 1340 people and canonised 483 saints. Saint Pope John Paul II instituted the Divine Mercy Sunday and also added the luminous mysteries to the Rosary.  

At the Beaitification of Pope John Paul the II, Pope Benedict XVI said, John Paul “remained deeply united to God amid the many demands of his ministry.” Even as he was stripped of good health in his final months, he remained a “rock of faith”. Though his life Saint Pope John Paul II bore witness to the mercy of Jesus for us. Imitating the saint, rooted in Christ, may we become the reflection of God’s love and mercy to everyone around us. Let our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “St. John Paul II, Pray for us”.

Thursday, October 20, 2022

Bible Reflections I 21.10.2022 - FRIDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Ordinary Time - Week 29
            I - Eph.: 4:1-6
           II - Lk. 12: 54-59

The Gospel today’s Gospel passage is about the inability of the crowds to perceive the time of the Messiah and two, as a consequence missed claiming the mercy of the Messiah. The ‘crowds’ is an inclusive term that contains, the Scribes, the Pharisees, the Sadducees and the common people in general. Jesus calls them hypocrites because they knew how to interpret the appearance of earth and sky but not the time of Messiah being fulfilled in the presence of Jesus. A willful neglect to acknowledge and accept the promised one in Jesus, the merciful saviour. The willful neglect of the throne of mercy in Jesus would drag them to the throne of justice before the just God as depicted in the parable.  

Sensitivity of mind and openness of heart are the essential requisites to perceive the truth present around us. Only the openness to the signs of the time will help a person to rightly respond accordingly. Instead prejudice, pretension, neglect and bias will make us miss the opportunities, possibilities and prospects present around, leaving us losers. Let our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “Lord Jesus, help me to be open to the truth”

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Bible Reflections I 20.10.2022 - THURSDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Ordinary Time - Week 29
            I - Eph.: 3:14-21
           II - Lk. 12: 49-53

Jesus was the Prince of Peace prophesied by Prophet Isaiah (Is. 9:6) and in fact peace was the promise of the angels who sang in unison at the birth of Jesus, “Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace to men of good will” (Lk. 12: 14). The Prince of Peace in today’s Gospel passage says that he came not to bring peace but division. By his life and teaching Jesus sets a constant strife between the good and the bad; virtues and vices; and the values of the Kingdom of God and the values of the world.  

This strife exists even in the family. Some choose to live for God, come what may while others are content with the compromising life that is convenient resulting in division in the very own family between the kith and the kin. Choosing to live up to the life and teaching of Christ Jesus can alienate one from family, friends, society and the nation at large making him/her a sign of conflict and contradiction fan firing opposition, confusion, misunderstanding, persecution and suffering. Their courageous endurance would fill them with the peace of Christ. The peace which the world can neither give not sniff from the people of God - "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the 
world gives” (Jn. 14:27). Let our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “Jesus Lord fill me with your peace”.

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Bible Reflections I 19.10.2022 - WEDNESDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Ordinary Time - Week 29
            I - Eph. 3: 2-12
           II - Lk. 12: 39-48

Today’s Gospel passage is on ‘preparedness’ for the arrival of the Son of Man.  The passage is an introspection and an invitation to reflect on the quality of our living here and now.  We will be found ready and ‘blessed’ if we are busy about our work centered on love of God and love of neighbour.  Accomplishing ordinary, simple, daily and routine task with great love, sense of responsibility and in faithfulness would befit us to behold the King of Kings as and when He comes at any hour of the time.  If we make charity as our way of life, all we accomplish will be set on the right track that we need no worry, fear or anxiety about the hour at which the Lord comes.  

The choices and decisions we make determine our destiny.  If we choose to live by the teachings of Christ, we can dare to meet Him as he comes.  Let’s align our lives unto the way of the Lord and wait for his coming in prudence and in wisdom.  May our mind and heart resonate with this prayer: “Lord Jesus, teach me to fix my gaze on you.”

Monday, October 17, 2022

Bible Reflections I 18.10.2022 - TUESDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Ordinary Time - Week 29
           I - 2Tim: 4:10-17
           II - Lk. 10: 1-9

Today the Church celebrates the feast of St. Luke, a gentile convert and a passionate proclaimer of Christ. He was a physician by profession. He was an evangelist, the author of the Gospel according to Luke and the Acts of the Apostles. He was the disciple and the missionary companion to St. Paul. The infancy narrative recorded by St. Luke in his Gospel was the first hand information from Mother Mary herself. He had a great love and devotion towards the Mother of God. St. Luke was also an artist. The portrait of Mother Mary brought by St. Thomas the Apostle still displayed in St. Thomas Mount, Chennai was painted by St. Luke himself. He lit the light of faith in the lives of people through his work, words and very life.  

In today’s Gospel passage, Jesus sends out the seventy two in pairs to proclaim the Good News, with enough and above instructions and explanations. The same mission is entrusted to us too through our Baptism. It would never suffice if we were to preach the Good News with words alone. We are called and commissioned to proclaim Christ through our lives as well. Our very life should inspire and enkindle the faith of people around. Then can we call ourselves the followers of Christ. Let us invoke the intercession of St. Luke to help us follow the Lord passionately and propagate the faith in Christ with our very lives. May the light our life imbue everyone to come under the flock of the Good Shepherd. May our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “Lord Jesus, empower me to be your effective messenger”.

Sunday, October 16, 2022

Bible Reflections I 17.10.2022 - MONDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Ordinary Time: Week 29
           I - Eph. 2: 1-10 
          II - Lk. 12: 13-21  

Today the Church celebrates the feast of St. Ignatius of Antioch, the second bishop of Antioch in Syria where the followers of Christ were first called ‘Christians’. He succeed as bishop after St. Peter, the apostle in Antioch and also was the disciple of St. John the apostle. He preserved the teaching and practices of the Church with utmost care and effort. St. Ignatius was the first to use the word “Catholic” in reference to the Church: “Wherever the bishop appears, there let the people be; as wherever Jesus Christ is, there is the Catholic Church.” In 107, St. Ignatius was accused and sentenced to death by the brutal emperor Trajan, because he refused to renounce the Christian faith. He was taken under arrest from Antioch to Rome where he was to be devoured by the animals in the Roman amphitheater. Instead of becoming dismal in despair, St. Ignatius wrote seven letter of encouragement, inspiration and instructions to the Christians in those Communities. In the early Church, the letters of St. Ignatius was read soon after the Scripture reading because they brought encouragement and enthusiasm to live the Christian faith with heroism. St. Ignatius gladly gave up his life amidst the devouring lions as a heroic partaker in the suffering of Christ, his Lord and Master saying, “I am God’s wheat and I shall be ground by the teeth of beasts, that I may become the pure bread of Christ”, reflecting the deep theology of a mystic. 

Do not be concerned about the cares of the world like the rich fool. The saint of the day inspires us to fix our gaze on conducting our life as a testimony to the life and teachings of Christ. St. Ignatius says, “May nothing entice me till I happily make my way to Jesus Christ! Fire, cross, struggles with wild beasts, wrenching of bones, mangling of limbs-let them come to me, provided only I make my way to Jesus Christ. I would rather die and come to Jesus Christ than be king over the entire earth. Him I seek who died for us; him I love who rose again because of us”. May Christ our Lord help us to imbibe this attitude as we keep repeating for the intercession of St. Ignatius of Antioch: “St. Ignatius of Antioch, Pray for us.”

Saturday, October 15, 2022

Bible Reflections I 16.10.2022 - SUNDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Ordinary Time - Week 29
            I - Ex. 17: 8-13
           II - 2 Tim. 3: 14 - 4: 2
          III - Lk. 18: 1-8

The readings of the days invites us to remain steadfast in prayer. Never to get tired of praying but be persistent in praying. Prayer connects God and humanity. In prayer we articulate our emotions, needs, desires, helplessness, hopelessness, inability, trust, faith and confidence to God. In the first reading when the enemies encircled Israel, Moses raised his hands towards heaven in prayer and Israel was winning the war whenever he raised his hands in prayer and whenever he lowered his hands, the enemies were prevailing. With the help of Aaron and Hur he held his hands high in prayer till they won the battle. In the Gospel passage, the parable of the unjust judge, who neither feared God nor respected man gave justice to the widow who was bothering him so much. God is our loving Father, will he not grant justice to his children when they cry to him night and day for help?

We are the children of God, the loving, compassionate and merciful Father. In the trending world of the time, we get everything at the click of a button. We need everything instantaneously. We have lost the great value of patience. This has entered our prayer life as well. We expect an immediate response from God. We are least interested in the ‘waiting time’. From the Gospel passage be convinced that we are children of God and that our prayers would be answered Just in Time though delayed. Become not impatient in waiting for a response from God. Remain steadfast in prayer with hope and in faith.

Friday, October 14, 2022

Bible Reflections I 15.10.2022 - SATURDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Ordinary Time - Week 28
            I - Eph. 1: 15-23
           II - Lk. 12: 8-12

St. Theresa of Jesus
In today’s Gospel passage Jesus encourages for a witnessing Christian living with the support of the Holy Spirit, the Advocate, our inspirer and defender. We ought to recognise Jesus in order to be recognised by him in the paradise. Often times Christians try to conceal their identity for the fear of losing favour, privileges, incentives and rewards and also for the fear of enduring suffering and persecutions. There is joy in suffering for Christ who came to the earth and died for us out of his unfathomable love for us. We need not fear before authorities for as our Lord has promised the Holy Spirit would give us the right word to speak, courage to endure, strength to suffer and tactfulness to tackle.  

Dare to acknowledge Jesus before others, for the joy that we are about to behold on this account worth enduring the suffering, pain, false accusations and persecution. Stand up for the truth, voice for the voiceless, side with justice, support the helpless and defend the righteous. This may cost isolation, neglect, defamation, separation and suffering, but they are the proof of our love and recognition for Jesus Christ to whom we belong. Today the Church celebrates the feast of St. Theresa of Avila who says, “Let nothing disturb you, Let nothing frighten you, though all things pass, God does not change. He lacks nothing who possesses God; For God alone suffices”. Yes, let us not give up Christ in this passing world rather dare to stand up for him. May the saint of the day intercede for our witnessing Christian living as we keep praying in our hearts, “St. Theresa of Avila, Pray for us”.       


Thursday, October 13, 2022

Bible Reflections I 14.10.2022 - FRIDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Ordinary Time - Week 28
            I - Eph. 1:11-14
           II - Lk. 12: 1-7

Two major problems of the time are convincingly addressed by Jesus in today’s Gospel passage. One; whenever people see that evil thrive and falsehood prosper, they easily get discouraged and start accusing themselves for their honesty, inability and helplessness in explaining the truth. Two; people tend to accomplish things predominantly out of fear for various reasons. Jesus encourages the disciples telling, “Nothing is covered up that will not be revealed, or hidden that will not be known”. He also insists that we fear God who has the power to punish us; and not those who can only kill our body or in other words who can cause suffering in this world. We need not be worried, perturbed or fear, because we are precious to God and He cares for us. God has a complete knowledge of us that even the hairs of our head are counted.

We need not be discouraged or disheartened at the false accusations, discouraging realities and threatening events. God knows us, loves us and cares for us. Only God has a complete control over us. Cheer and keep going with this conviction. Let our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “Lord Jesus, I thank you for your love and mercy”.

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Bible Reflections I 13.10.2022 - THURSDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Ordinary Time - Week 28
            I - Eph. 1:1-10
           II - Lk. 11: 47-54

In today’s Gospel passage, Jesus reprimands the Pharisees, the Scribes and the lawyers for their hypocrisy and spiritual blindness. They built monuments for the prophets whom their ancestors killed, falsely projecting that they did it as an atonement for killing the prophets. They reproved the act of their ancestors while in reality they were not better than their ancestors. Jesus cursed them for their spiritual blindness. Because they were the interpreters of Law and Prophesy but failed to recognise the Messiah in Jesus. Their pride, ego and selfishness prevented them from discovering the Messiah in Jesus.  

We are sometimes no better than the Pharisees. We wish to appear to be what we are not so that we might be appreciated, affirmed and kept high by the people around us. This is hypocritical living. Live your life unmasked and be natural. In faith, humility and simplicity accept yourself so that we might have a large heart to accept others. Be real, be original and glorify God with your life.

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Bible Reflections I 12.10.2022 - WEDNESDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Ordinary Time - Week 28
            I - Gal. 5:18-25
           II - Lk. 11: 42-46
Blessed Carlo Acutis

The Pharisees and the Lawyers in their preaching and teaching advocated for a stringent observance of the rules, rituals and traditions thereby compromising the essence of the Law: love, humanity and justice. In fattened and inflated ego, the Pharisees projected themselves to be righteous and longed for respect and reverence from people. Jesus admonishes this attitude of the Pharisees and invites them for an introspection through his ‘woe’ discourse.  

Today the Church celebrates the feast of Blessed Carlo Acutis, a teenaged layman from the Archdiocese of Milan. He was devoted to Eucharist and to Blessed Mother Mary. He used to say, “Eucharist is the highway to heaven”. At the age twelve, he created series of his websites on Eucharistic miracles. When he was at school, he defended the kids especially kids with disabilities and from bullies. He is the patron of websites, web designers, social media and content creators. This modern saint is a model for all young and modern people. Jesus in the Gospel passage exhorts for a sanctity in such a simple and ordinary way unlike the stringent practices proposed by the Pharisees and the Lawyers. Love fosters Justice and fan fires humanity. The Law of God is the Law of Love. As Christians we are called to bear witness to this God of love to our neighbours. Let our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “Lord Jesus, fill us with your love”.

Monday, October 10, 2022

Bible Reflections I 11.10.2022 - TUESDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Ordinary Time - Week 28
            I - Gal. 5:1-6
           II - Lk. 11: 37-41

Today’s Gospel passage is about Jesus reclining at the table without washing his hands, when he was an invited guest at the Pharisees house. The Pharisees were astonished at the behaviour of Jesus, the Rabbi. Jesus must have adopted this strategy to insist on the essentials and not merely on rituals. The essential is that of being pure in mind and heart. When our thoughts, words and deeds emerge from a pure heart, we are pure already as children of God. 

We are concerned so much about the exterior cleanliness but fail to care for our mind and heart. Some do get psychologically affected by constantly worrying about the exterior cleanliness while they are full of greed, wickedness, anger, jealousy, hatred, rancor and rivalry. It is this that actually makes a person unclean making the lives of oneself and the other miserable. Let us be concerned about conducting our interior life with the fear of the lord, love for him and the humanity with purity of mind and heart, then can we claim ourselves to be people of God. May our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “Lord Jesus, create in me a pure heart”.

Sunday, October 9, 2022

Bible Reflections I 10.10. 2022 - MONDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Ordinary Time - Week 28
            I - Gal. 4: 22-24, 26-27, 31 - 5:1
           II - Lk. 11: 29-32

In today’s Gospel passage Jesus calls the people of Israel especially the elite as evil generation because they were well versed in Law and prophesy but we adamant to accept Jesus as Messiah though they saw everything being fulfilled in Jesus. Jesus says that they would not be given any sign except the sign of Jonah and the Queen of Sheba to believe in Jesus. Jonah was merely a messenger of God and the people of Nineveh adhered and turned their hearts towards God in repentance. The Queen of Sheba had to travel so far to listen to the witness the wisdom of King Solomon. Jesus was greater than Jonah because he was message himself and greater than Solomon because he was the Word made flesh - the Divine Word and the Wisdom of God.  

We are no better than the Israelites when we ask God for signs, wonders and miracles despite witnessing his marvels in our lives and that of the others. We also often times fail to perceive his love and adhere to his words. Let us today ask God for the gift of faith so that we be able to recognise Him even in the smallest happening in our lives. May our mind and hear resonate with the prayer: “Lord Jesus, strengthen our faith in you”.

Saturday, October 8, 2022

Bible Reflections I 09.10.2022 - SUNDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I I

Ordinary Time - Week 28
           I - 2 Kings 5: 14-17
          II - 2 Tim. 2: 8-13
         III - Lk. 17: 11-19

The first reading and the Gospel passage of the day is about the healing of the leper and ten lepers respectively. Gratitude is an attitude. The Syrian who came to thank the prophet and the Samaritan who turned back to Jesus praising God loudly in the Gospel passage, both were considered as outcasts by the Israelites. The nine went to get back their recognition in the society while the Samaritan recognised the presence of God in the person of Jesus. Grateful people do not take anything for granted. The Jews who paraded themselves to be the people of God took the healing for granted while an outcast came back to thank Jesus. They were all filled with faith but failed to be grateful.

It is faith that keeps our life going. We are sure of the routine works of everyday and we seldom think about those people who make the day a comfortable one for us. From the rising till retiring many people contribute to the smooth functioning of our life. Let us today take some time to just recollect those insignificant persons behind our best day and thank God for them and thank them as well for making our life colourful and joyful. May our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “Lord Jesus, we thank you”.

Friday, October 7, 2022

Bible Reflections I 08.10. 2022 - SATURDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Ordinary Time - Week 27
            I - Gal. 3: 22-29
           II - Lk. 11: 27-28

In today’s Gospel passage a woman in the crowd praises the mother of Jesus and calls her ‘blessed’ on account of Jesus the amazing and astounding messiah, her son, who was turning the world right side up. But Jesus says, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and keep it”. Mary consented to give birth to the word of God submitting herself to the will of God and pondered all things about the ‘Word’ in her heart; and so she is indeed a ‘blessed’ par excellence.  

As per the worldly standards, the one who dwells in pomp, glory, riches, name, fame, power, position and privileges are considered to be blessed. Jesus puts the right side up saying that ‘blessed’ are those who hear God’s word and abide by the same. We read and listen to the Word of God umpteen number of times as Christians; yes we do hear but introspect whether we live by the same. Become not mere hearers but doers of the Word of God and ‘blessed’. Let our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “Lord Jesus, help me to listen and live by your word”.

Thursday, October 6, 2022

Bible Reflections I 07.10.2022 - FRIDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Ordinary Time - Week 27
            I - Gal. 3: 7-14
           II - Lk. 11: 15-26

Today the Church celebrates the feast of Our Lady of Rosary. The feast was instituted by Pope Pius V in 1953 as a thanksgiving for the victory of the Christians over the Turks in the battle of Lepanto. The Rosary is precisely a contemplative prayer. Pope Paul the VI had described it saying, “As a Gospel prayer, centered on the mystery of the redemptive incarnation, The Rosary is a prayer with a clearly Christological orientation”. Mother Mary, during her apparitions at Lourdes to Bernadette and in Fatima to Lucia, Jacinta and Francesco has exhorted to pray the Rosary. Pope John Paul II in his apostolic letter on the Rosary, ‘Rosarium Virginis Mariae’ says that Mother Mary is active on the soul that ponders or contemplates Jesus through the eyes of Mary in praying the Rosary. In praying the Rosary we are united to Christ her Divine Son. 

In today’s Gospel passage Jesus says, “Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters”. If we wish to be united with God and with one another, all we have to do is to pray the Rosary. Rosary is a popular family devotion. We are in the month of October, a month dedicated to the Rosary. Set apart and spend some time as family every day, to pray the Rosary because “a family that prays together, stays together”. May the Blessed Virgin Mary bless us and our families as we recite the Holy Rosary with love and devotion.

Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Bible Reflections I 06.10.2022 - THURSDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Ordinary Time - Week 27


I - Gal. 3: 1-5

           II - Lk. 11: 5-13


In the Gospel passage, through a parable, Jesus explains that the friend lends bread because of the persistent pleading of his friend and his perseverance even at the face of his refusal and reasoning.  Giving this parable, Jesus exhorts the children of God to persevere in the persistent “ask-seek-knock” trusting in the providence of God. Persistence is resoluteness even at the face of opposition and obstacles.  Perseverance is steadfastness in doing something.  Both are essential to achieve what one aspires for. Persistence and perseverance are the most important requisites of prayer.

God is our loving Father.  He takes pleasure in granting the requests of his children.  In the Gospel passage Jesus says, “What father among you, if his son asks for a fish, will instead of a fish give him a serpent?”  True.  Sometimes our prayers remain unanswered may be because we in our ignorance might be asking for a serpent instead of a fish. God is concerned about us so much.  He will never let anything that would harm us even if we persist in asking for the ‘serpent’.  Be grateful to the good that we receive from God and be extra grateful for not receiving what we have asked.  Just be convinced that God is our Father and pray with persistent and in perseverance.  Let our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “Father let your will be done”. 

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Bible Reflections I 05.10.2022 - WEDNESDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Ordinary Time - Week 27


I - Gal. 1: 13-24 

II - Lk. 10: 38-42


Inspired by the prayer life of Jesus, the disciples in today’s Gospel passage insists Jesus to teach them too to pray.  May be because they realised that the power of his words and the passion for his mission was the fruit of his prayer life.  The integrity and the credibility of the life of Jesus made the disciples to desire for learning how to pray from Jesus himself.  


Today the Church celebrates the feast of St. Faustina Kowlaska to whom Jesus chose as his messenger to the modern world with his message of love and mercy. Jesus appeared as the King of Divine Mercy and insisted, “Humanity will not find peace until it turns trustfully to divine mercy”.  Every time Jesus appeared to Faustina, he spoke of his unfathomable love and mercy for the all humankind especially the sinners.  Even when the superiors, church authorities and the theologians doubted St. Faustina, she endured everything in obedience and with patience.  This was the fruit of her prayer life of which Jesus himself was so much pleased.  St. Faustina was canonised by St. Pope John Paul II. The picture of the divine mercy of Jesus is the one that was given to Faustina in her vision by Jesus including the short prayer, “Jesus, I trust in you”.  Let us today pray this prayer as often as possible as an intercession for the whole world.

Monday, October 3, 2022

Bible Reflections I 04.10.2022 - TUESDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Ordinary Time - Week 27
I - Gal. 1: 13-24
           II - Lk. 10: 38-42


The Gospel passage of the day is about Jesus being a guest in the house of Martha and Mary. When Jesus was received as a guest both the sisters chose to express their affection towards Jesus in serving and sitting at his feet. Martha chose to serve and Mary, to sit at his feet and to listen to him. Comparison that led to complaint was the mistake of Martha, while Mary was clear and composed at the feet of Jesus. In her choice without a complaint or comparison, Mary won the appreciation of choosing the better part. 
The expression of every love varies. Every expression is unique and beautiful if done with an undivided heart and absolute attention. Today the Church celebrates the feast of St. Francis of Assisi who chose to love the Lord in embracing poverty and serving poor and the sick especially the lepers. Francis of Assisi was from a Nobel and wealthy family. He was the son of a cloth merchant. Enamored by the love of God, he gave away everything and embraced poverty to the extent of stripping himself off his clothes. St. Francis of Assisi embraced the entire creation of God in love and friendship to the extent of calling God’s creation as brothers and sisters viz. Mother earth, brother sun, sister moon, brother fire and sister water in his ‘Canticle of creature’. He is the Church’s patron saint of animals and the environment. He was the first one to set up the first live nativity scene in honour of the birth of Jesus - Christmas. He was so much taken up by the poverty of Jesus in the manger. During his last years he was completely blind but never a word of complaint was heard to be uttered from his mouth. He also had the gift of stigmata with an excruciating pain partaking in the suffering of the Lord. He died reciting Psalms 141 and 142. He was the founder of the order of the Franciscans. Let our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “St. Francis of Assisi, Pray for us”.

Sunday, October 2, 2022

Bible Reflections I 03.10.2022 - MONDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Ordinary Time - Week 27
            I - Gal. 1: 6-12
           II - Lk. 10: 25-37


In today’s Gospel passage Jesus prescribes only two conditions to inherit eternal life: to love God above all and to love our neighbour. From the parable of the Good Samaritan we infer that every fellow being in need of our help is our neighbour. The priest and the Levite who served the Lord, failed to serve the bleeding man who was in dire need of their help. The Samaritan, an outcast, was moved with compassion and helped him in saving his life. Jesus gives the Samaritan as model for them to imitate in their love for their neighbour.   

We flock to churches, take up pilgrimage and attend retreats to experience God and to reciprocate our love for God failing to recognise his residence in every human persons more fully. Every person is a temple of God. In the suffering of every person, God suffers; in the rejection of every person, God is rejected and in the neglect of every fellow being, God is neglected. Love of God and love of neighbour can never be separated, they are intertwined. Love of God implies love of neighbour and vice versa. Love God in neighbour and inherit the eternal reward. Let our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “Lord Jesus, Help me to love you in my neighbour”.

Saturday, October 1, 2022

Bible Reflections I 02.10.2022 - SUNDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Ordinary Time - Week 27
            I - Hab. 1: 2-3; 2: 2-4
           II - 2 Tim. 1: 6-8, 13-14
          III - Lk. 17: 5-10


The three readings of the day focus on the steadfastness in the life of faith. The readings invites to focus on God in enduring the pain, sorrow, frustration and failure that we encounter in our life with an utmost faith in Him. Surrounded by violence, strife and contention prophet Habakkuk in first reading cries to God for his help and action. God comforts and emboldens him saying, “The righteous shall live by his faith”. In the second reading, St. Paul in his letter to the Timothy, encourages him to bear testimony about the Lord and share in the suffering of the Gospel in faith because God has given us a spirit of power and not timidity. In the Gospel reading, Jesus speaks of the power of faith even as mustard seed, to work great things in life. Even a credible Christian living becomes possible only to the person of faith.  

To live for the Lord is our commitment and there should never be a compromise, come what may. We may get easily exhausted and discouraged by the powers and atrocities of the world like prophet Habakkuk or the people of Israel or Timothy. But, faith helps us to accept things as they are with a strong and large heart full of the power of love. God has given us the spirit of power and love and self-control. All we need is to focus on Him with faith and in love. Let our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “Lord Jesus, help us to stand steadfast in faith”.