Sunday, September 25, 2022

Bible Reflections I 26.09.2022 - MONDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Ordinary Time - Week 26
            I - Job 1: 6-22
           II - Lk. 16: 19-31
 Greatness in the worldly standards consists in richness, wealth, power, position, pomp and glory. In short, greatness vests in the status quo that a person maintains in the society based on family, money and influence. The Gospel standards put the right side up saying that the greatness consists in welcoming the least, the insignificant and the little for the sake of Christ and his kingdom. The life of Jesus is the benchmark for our Christina living based on his teaching. In the Jewish society, it was demeaning for the rabbis to associate with women, Jesus had women friends and followers. The Jews never associated with the sinners and outcasts, Jesus welcomed them as children of God and was also a guest in their homes. The children had no face in the society, Jesus blessed them and set them as model for many virtues. Jesus strived to put the right side up in the society.  

The Gospel passage is a challenge to all Christians in particular. In the light of this Gospel passage let us examine ourselves, our behavior with our subjects. Do we make at least a comfortable space for them to live and express their feelings, ideas and grievances? Generous love manifests itself in its magnanimity. A magnanimous heart is required to embrace everyone into our circle of love. As God for this grace so that we might contribute our own mite in the blossoming up of the Kingdom of God. May our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “Lord Jesus, bless us with a generous and magnanimous heart to embrace everyone in love”