I - Ezk. 18: 1-10, 13, 30-32
II - Mt. 19: 13-15
In today’s Gospel passage, the disciples rebuke the people who brought their children to Jesus that he may lay his hands on them and bless them. But Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven”, blessed them and sent them away. Children are also the representation of the poor, the weak, the oppressed, the women, the sinners and the less privileged who are considered as ‘nobody’ in the society. These people are always the welcome guests of Jesus. They are special and important to him.
In the light of the day’s Gospel passage let us examine our type of association with the people. Do we take delight in socialising with the poor, the abandoned, the neglected and the less fortunate? Can these type of people feel comfortable in our company or in other words do we feel comfortable in their company? If not, with the grace of God and true to our identity as Christians and the followers of our Master Jesus Christ, align your lives unto the ways of the Gospel. Let our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “Jesus, meek and humble of heart, make my heart like yours”.
Thank you fr❤