Saturday, August 6, 2022

Bible Reflections I 07.08.2022 - SUNDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Ordinary Time - Week 19
            I - Wis. 18: 6-9
           II - Heb. 11: 1-2, 8-19
          III - Lk. 12: 32-48

In today’s Gospel passage Jesus calls us “little flock” and gives a formula of 3S for inheriting eternal life: Seek the Kingdom of God, Save in heaven and Stay prepared. The Kingdom of God is where everyone recognise themselves to be the children of God, the Father and live in unity, equality, freedom, fraternity and Justice.  The responsibility and duty of every follower of Christ is to seek for God’s Kingdom wherever they are.  The second ‘S’ is about saving in heaven. With the material wealth that does not follow us after our life here on earth, we are called to serve and share with others so that we may have great treasure in heaven which can neither be plundered nor destroyed. And, finally the third ‘S’ is about staying prepared for the day of the Lord.  Even if the days are prolonged, we need not be disheartened but to stay prepared in hope.  The reward of all these 3S would be that the Lord would treat them royally on the day of his coming and take them to his paradise.

It is not easy to practice these 3S.  They are challenging and tiring, this why Jesus at the start of the passage says, “Fear not”, which means to be courageous in executing these 3S.  In the world that strive after Power, wealth, honour, publicity, popularity and status, Jesus exhorts to focus on the 3S that gain eternal life with the Lord. Let us seek the kingdom of God, save our treasure in heaven and stay prepared like the wise servant in the Gospel; and merit the royal treatment of the Lord when he comes.