Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Bible Reflections I 08.06.2022 - WEDNESDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Ordinary Time - Week 10

           I - 1 Kings. 18: 20-39
          II - Mt. 5: 17-19

Jesus was considered by the Scribes, Pharisees and the elders as a law breaker but in today’s Gospel passage Jesus says that he had not come to abolish the Law or the Prophets but to fulfil them. He also says that not even a iota or a dot will pass from them until all is accomplished. Jesus was the fulfillment of all Law and Prophecy. The Law of love was diluted to mere rules by the so called safe guarders of the Law and Jesus insisted on the essence of the Law than on the rules. He respected and restored the humanness in all his endeavours revealing the face of the God of Love.

The Gospel passage is an invitation to imitate Jesus in the observance of all our law and rules. Jesus invites us to influence people though our love for God and for others. Jesus insists us, his people to induce others to be humane in all dealings, to give priority to humanity than to unnecessary conditions and rules that weigh heavy on the shoulders of men and women. Let love be the rule of our lives failing to do this we become counter witnessing to Christ. May our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “Lord Jesus, lead us on the path of love”.