Saturday, June 4, 2022

Bible Reflections I 05.06.2022 - SUNDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

           I - Acts 2: 1-11
          II - 1Cor. 12: 3-7, 12-13
         III - Jn. 20: 19-23

PENTECOST (Solemnity)

Today the Church solemnises the descent of the Holy Spirit: the Pentecost. It is also considered to be the birthday of the Catholic Church. In the Gospel passage, we read that the disciples locked themselves into the house for the fear of the Jews. With the descent of the Holy Spirit as we read in the first reading these coward disciples become courageous ambassadors of Christ proclaiming boldly about God’s deeds of power. They fearlessly ventured into this pursuit come what may even to the extent of giving themselves up to be killed as martyrs for Christ because of the conviction, "Jesus is Lord” caused by the Holy Spirit.

In the second reading we read that there are varieties of gifts but one Spirit that empowers everyone for common good. Each of us are bestowed with some gift of the Holy Spirit for a purpose viz. to build up the human community in faith, freedom, fraternity and Justice. Let us use the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit: wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety and fear of the Lord to reap the fruits of the Holy Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control thereby bearing witness to our Christian identity.  


     • Intensify the prayers for the Catholic Church as it is the birthday of the Church.

     • Take some quite moments to reflect on the gift of God given to us, thank God for the same and examine how we have made use of that gift in building up the human community.


“Lord help me to surrender to the promptings of the Holy Spirit”