Thursday, May 26, 2022

Bible Reflections i 27.05.2022 - FRIDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Easter Week 6
           I - Acts 18: 9-18
          II - Jn. 16: 20-23
“Your sorrow will turn into joy” is the crux of the Gospel passage of the day. With the birth of the child the pangs of the mother is gone. She forgets the anguish in the joy of bringing forth a life into this world. Sufferings endured for a cause are forgotten with the achievement of that cause. In the letter to the Hebrews we read, “Jesus endured the cross for the joy set before him, scorning its shame” (Heb. 12: 12). Jesus endured suffering and shame for the sake of our salvation. St. Paul in his letter to Timothy says, “I endure all things for the sake of those chosen by God, that they too may obtain salvation in Christ Jesus and its eternal glory” (2 Tim. 2: 10).   

Almost all things have an exchange value. To acquire a place in the Kingdom of God we have to align our lives unto the life and teachings of the Lord. In aligning our lives unto the ways of Christ we become aliens to the values of the world and we have to but endure suffering. Jesus promises, “Your sorrow will turn into joy”. Therefore let us dare to love not hate, forgive in the place of revenge, be selfless amidst the selfish world, choose to be humble instead of being proud and arrogant, share instead of accumulating and be considerate in all things, with all persons and at all times in imitating Christ our model. May our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “Lord Jesus, thank you for your encouraging promises”.


  1. Thank you Fr.for the wonderful reflection .

  2. Lord Jesus, thank you for your encouraging promises. Amen.

  3. In aligning our lives unto the ways of Christ we become aliens to the values of the world and we have to but endure suffering.

    God give us the courage to live for your values.

  4. Inspiring message father. May God Bless you and your ministry.

  5. Inspiring message. Thank you father.

  6. Thank you for the wonderful reflection father.
