Friday, May 6, 2022

Bible Reflections I 07.05.2022 - SATURDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Easter Week 3
           I - Acts 9: 31-42
          II - Jn. 6: 60-69
In the first reading today, Peter cures Aeneas, a bed ridden person for eight years in Joppa and raises Tabitha, full of charity and good works, in Lydda.  These miracles were possible for Peter precisely because he was a man of God and a man of prayer.  The narration accounts that Peter healed the bed ridden in the name of Jesus and; knelt down and prayed before he could present Tabitha alive to the saints and the widows. 

All things are possible with God and to the one who believes in the power of His Name, Jesus. “Jesus” is a powerful prayer of the believer.  Even unarticulated words and emotions become prayer in pronouncing the supreme name of ‘Jesus’.  It is not merely enough to be Christians but the quality of being Christian depend upon our belief in the Life and Teaching of Christ our Lord. Prayer is not merely the multiplicity of words but tremendous trust in the Lord in living our lives based on his teaching.  May our mind and heat resonate with the prayer: “Lord Jesus, help us to be persons of prayer and persons of God”.