Friday, April 8, 2022

Bible Reflections I 09.04.2022 - SATURDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Season of Lent: Week 5

           I - Ezk. 37: 21-28
          II - Jn. 11: 45-57

In today’s Gospel passage, the Pharisees and the Chief priests conspires to kill Jesus because he appeared to be a scandalous Rabbi of the time: he gave preference to love over their law, humanity over Sabbath, holiness over profanity. He was different in his dealings, practical in his approach, simple was his law - love and all inclusive was spirituality: the sinners, tax collectors, Samaritans, woman and the children. In a nutshell, in Jesus was happening a paradigm shift in their concept of God, Law and Religion. So, under the pretext of saving his people, they wanted to do away with Jesus.

Difference is beautiful. We can never expect everyone to fit into our mindset or the set rules that are baseless. Failure to accept and analyse the difference in Jesus, led the Pharisees and the chief priests to the extent of crucifying him on the cross. Do not hate or ostracise someone because they are different. Analyse the truth in them, accept the difference and appreciate their presence with us. In this way we become like those Jews who went with Mary discovering him to be the Messiah and if otherwise, we will end up like those other Jews who went and joined the Pharisees for plotting against Jesus.

Task: Take some quite moments to examine whether you are displeased with or hate someone; try to find out the reason for the same and try to reconcile bearing witness to our Christian identity. 

Prayer: “Lord Jesus, lead me to the truth”


  1. Difference is beautiful. True.

  2. Inspiring reflection on difference is beautiful. The reflection in deed is different too.

  3. Failing to appreciate the difference in others is failing to appreciate God Himseld.

  4. Very nice and different reflection father. Thank you.

  5. Thank you father for the nice message on appreciating and accepting the difference. God Bless you and your ministry.

  6. Lord Jesus, lead me to the truth. Amen.

  7. Praise you Lord for Rev. Fr. Arokia Doss.
    God Bless you and your ministry father🙏
