Friday, April 1, 2022

Bible Reflections I 02.04.2022 - SATURDAY I INDRAYA MANNA I

Season of Lent: Week 4

           I - Jer. 11: 18-20
          II - Jn. 7: 40-53


With truth come division as ‘for’ and ‘against’. The ‘for’ would defend the truth and the ‘against’ would accuse the truth. The ‘against’ are likely to label the ‘for’ as ignorant. Unable to argue with the ‘against’ the ‘for’ would finally keep silent and still if the ‘against’ are powerful and authoritative, they would fear the risk involved and would take up the ‘middle path’ the ‘neutral’ mode excusing themselves as ‘helpless’.  

In today’s Gospel passage, the temple authorities and the Pharisees were willfully against Jesus, plotting ways to put away with him. The crowds and the common man found some difference in Jesus, the rabbi while the learned and the clever missed the long awaited messiah in him messing up the truth. The willfully neglected Jesus and falsely accused him because he was not fitting into their frame of either ‘Rabbi’ or the ‘Messiah’.    

No one can be accused because they are not fitting into the set mind frame. Learn to go beyond without any prejudice. Discover the truth and stand up for what is right with courage and conviction. Become like Jesus and side for those who act like Jesus. This is our Christian charity and religiosity. May our mind and heart resonate with the prayer, “Lord Jesus, give me the wisdom to discover the truth and the courage to stand up for the same”


  1. Lord Jesus, give me the wisdom to discover the truth and the courage to stand up for the same. Amen.

  2. God Bless you dear Rev. Fr. Arokia Doss for this ministry.

  3. We should stand for the truth. But this is not so easy but # risky and # challenging
