Tuesday, January 18, 2022

Bible Reflections I 19.01.2022 - Wednesday I Indraya Manna I

Ordinary Time - Week 2

           I - 1Sam. 17: 32-33, 37, 40-51
          II - Mk. 3: 1-6


Today’s Gospel passage is about Jesus healing the man with withered hand on a Sabbath.  The Gospel passage projects two types of attitudes: one, the attitude of the Pharisees and the attitude of Jesus.  The Pharisees accused Jesus of his healing on the Sabbath and conspired with the Herodians against him.  Jesus had pity on the withered man but grieved at the hardness of heart of the Pharisees.  Jesus forged ahead in doing good, ignoring the criticism and accusations of the Pharisees and the Scribes.  This in deed need a lot of courage and conviction in doing good against all odds that arise against.

There are two takeaways from this passage:  One, to abstain from criticizing those who are doing good; and two to go on doing good like Jesus despite all accusations.  Nothing is lost by encouraging others but it needs a great heart. Encouraging others is the hallmark of our magnanimity and nobility. Even if ego prevents from encouraging, at least allow the good to be accomplished for the greater glory of God. 

Do not loose heart and be discouraged at the criticism of others.  For the good cause, the Lord himself will be with us as support, shield and strength. Imbibe the attitude of Jesus in accomplishing all that is good to others and only by this can we prove that we are Christians after the mind and heart of Jesus.  May our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “Lord Jesus, make me like you”.


  1. Good ,motivating message Fr.
    May Jesus give us the heart to encourage and not criticize the people who do good for the greater glory of God.

  2. Give me Lord a magnanimous heart to encourage and uphold others.

  3. Lord Jesus, make me like you. Amen

  4. Thank you father for the two takeaways.

  5. Lord help us to abstain from criticizing and be generous in encouraging others. Amen

  6. Inspiring reflection father. God Bless you

  7. U are doing great ministry by sharing word of God. People real thirst is only this, u have chosen better part.
