Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Bible Reflections I 13.01.2022 - Thursday I Indraya Manna I

Ordinary Time - Week 1

           I - Sam. 4: 1-11
          II - Mk. 1: 40-45

Lepers in Israel were considered as sinners, unclean and untouchables.  They usually live in ‘colonies’ and never entered the residential area of the common people.  If they happened to enter the city or town, they were supposed to ring the bell caution others saying ‘unclean, unclean’.  The leper in the Gospel passage of the day picks up courage and dares to enter the crowd that followed Jesus and pleads him for his cleansing from the disease.  The courage of the leper and his faith in Jesus brings healing to the leper.  

Often times we give up courage on calling for God in prayer.  Our sinfulness, worries, troubles, discouragement, fear and anxieties might weigh us down making our faith fragile in approaching the mercy and the power the Lord. But, like the leper in the Gospel focus the attention only on God and courageously approach Him in prayer and with faith; and all things would become possible in and with Him.  May our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “Lord Jesus, fill us with courage and faith”.