Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Bible Reflections I 05.01.2022 - Wednesday I Indraya Manna I

Wednesday after Epiphany

           I - 1Jn. 4: 11-18 
          II - Mk. 6: 45-52


The Gospel passage of the day is about Jesus coming to the rescue of his disciples.  Jesus sends away his disciples ahead of him to the other side in a boat and he goes on the mountain to pray.  The disciples were in the boat on the sea and Jesus, on the land praying.  Near or far the thoughts would automatically attend the loved ones. Jesus sees the difficulty of his disciples in rowing the ores against the course wind and immediately comes to them waling on the water.  In fear and trembling, the disciples mistakes Jesus for a ghost because no human can walk on water and that the Israelites believe in the existence of ghost in the sea.  They failed to realise that it must definitely be possible for the one who multiplied the loaves to walk on the water as well.  They witnessed the blind, see, lame walk, dead rising and winds obeying his command, still could not grasp that Jesus could walk on the water.

The passage invites us to reflect on two angles: one, Jesus comes to our rescue in all our trials, difficulties and suffering; and two, we fail to think of him or cease to recognise him as he comes to help us. We would have experienced his love and concern for us in so many of our difficulties, pain and suffering but when the moment comes, we tend to alienate God from the scene altogether out of sheer negligence or forgetfulness or over confidence in oneself.  May no trials and difficulties blind our eyes and numb our hearts to discover the Lord present with us more closer at those circumstances. Our God is great and do not forget that he is concerned about us. Surrender to his all worries and he would as the bible says, for sure would wipe away every tear from our eyes.  May our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “Thank you Lord for your love and care towards me”.


  1. Thank you Lord for your constant presence in our lives.
    Thank you Fr the wonderful reflection🙏
