I - Judg. 11: 29-39
II - Mt. 22: 1-14
In the parable of the wedding banquet Jesus projects the stubborn and hard hearted people of Israel who refused to return to the Lord. They deafened their ears to the invitation of God that came through kings, judges, prophets and finally His own son Jesus Christ. “The more they were called, the more they went away” (Hos. 11:2). The people of Israel took delight and pride in calling themselves as the chosen people of God but failed to adhere to the voice of God that beckoned to align their ways unto the ways of God. The Son of God was sent to His own people Israel but they willfully neglected to either accept him or give heed to him. This is why Jesus tells them, “Truly I tell you, the tax collectors and the prostitutes are going into the kingdom of God ahead of you ‘(Mt. 21: 32).
Towards the end of the Gospel passage today Jesus says, “Many are called, but few are chosen”. All of us, as children of God are called to inherit the kingdom of God but only the ones who make themselves befitting to that kingdom will inherit it. If we are attentive in adhering to the voice of God that comes in prayer, from our conscience and through our dear ones, friends, colleagues, neighbours or even strangers for that matter, our lifestyle would definitely be delineating the life eternal throbbing with peace, serenity, happiness, joy and cheerfulness. As loving children of God let us obey and commit ourselves unto his ways befitting to inherit life eternal thus making our life purposeful here on earth. In the silence of our hearts let us keep repeating: “Lord Jesus help us to listen to you”.
ReplyDeleteThank you fr
ReplyDeleteLord Jesus help us to listen to you
ReplyDeleteThank you fr❤
ReplyDeleteAmen 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
ReplyDeleteNice. Thank you fr.