Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Bible Reflections I 29.07.2021- Thursday I Indraya Manna I

Ordinary Time - Week 17

        I - Ex. 40: 16-21, 34-38
    II - Jn. 11: 19-27

St. Martha (Memoria)

“Faithful friends are beyond price; no amount can balance their worth” (Sir. 6: 15) and “whoever finds one finds a treasure” (Sir. 6:14b).  Everyone tends to seek their friend at all times of their life viz. ups and downs, fear and anxiety, happiness and sorrow, joy and pain.  Today the Church remembers St. Martha, the friend of Jesus and sister of Mary and Lazarus.  Jesus, as their friend, besides being a guest, sharing their hospitality, love and joy goes to Bethany to share the suffering of the bereaved friends at the loss of their brother Lazarus. Martha and Mary would have definitely thought of Jesus as we read in the Gospel passage today, as Martha says, “Lord if you had been here, my brother would not have died” and affirms her trust saying, “But even now I know that God will give you whatever you ask of Him” and so was it done to her.         

Loyalty, fidelity and faithfulness are the vaning concepts of the current consumeristic reality. Almost all relationship today are either utility based or highly self-centered. In the trending world of change and impermanency God’s love alone is strong and constant as the Scripture says, “I have loved you with an everlasting love” (Jer. 31:3).  Jesus is the all-time friend forever as the lyrics of Joseph Scriven’s hymn, “what friend we have in Jesus” goes. 

All we need to do is to get connected with Jesus through our prayer.  In times of grief, pain, trials, temptations, discouragement, betrayal, sorrows and weakness, turn to Jesus, an understanding friend closer to us than the very air we breathe. Let us resolve to accept the forever friendship of Jesus as we celebrate the feast day of his friend Martha who served him with much love and care.


  1. Jesus friend forever. Superb fr.

  2. Yes. Jesus is a friend forever. True.

  3. Superb message Fr.
    True we cannot find a forever friend better than Jesus. We should have a intimate personal relationship with Him by turning to Him in prayer as every friendship is nurtured by constant communication and regular conversation.
