Monday, July 26, 2021

Bible Reflections I 27.07.2021 - Tuesday I Indraya Manna I

Ordinary Time - Week 17

  I - Ex. 33: 1-11, 34: 5-9,28 II - Mt. 13: 36-42 


In the Gospel passage today, Jesus explains the parable of the wheat and the weeds to his disciples. God sows the good seeds, the wheat and the evil one sows the weeds. One becomes good or bad in the choice he/she makes. At the end of time, the good will be gathered for the blissful life eternal and the evil ones with be gathered and thrown into the fiery furnace.

Take a glass of coloured water and keep filling with good water into it. At one point all colour water vanishes with the overflowing, leaving the glass filled with clear good water. Similarly allow the grace of God to overflow even in the most insignificant choices. This calls for discernment. Discernment is making the right choice between the two, the good and the evil, the wheat and the weed. To distinguish and discern rightly, stay connected with God as did Moses in the second reading. We read, “The Lord used to speak to speak to Moses face to face, as one speaks to a friend” (Ex. 36: 11). It may or may not be so with us. But He does speak to us gently but powerfully through our conscience and the Word of God; in prayer and through persons. Let us attune ourselves to listen to His voice and courageously keep choosing the good again and again, combating and conquering the evil that constantly creep in. It is a continuous struggle or rather a continuous warfare until our last breath. We can definitely be victorious and be saved for life eternal if we stay connected with God in prayer. May our mind and heart resonate with this prayer: “Lord, help me to stay connected with you”.


  1. Lord help me to stay connected with you.

  2. 🙏
    Bless my brother who is in need

  3. Our faith in God and God's presence in our lives are our main anchors to be connected to the Almighty.

  4. The short prayers help so much. Thank you fr.

  5. Lord help me to stay connected with you 🙏

  6. 🙏 Lord help me to stay connected with you
