Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Bible Reflections I 21.07.2021 - Wednesday I Indraya Manna

Ordinary Time - Week 16

         I - Ex. 16: 1-5, 9-15
      II - Mt. 13: 1-9

Today’s Gospel passage is on the parable of the sower. Great crowd gathered to listen to Jesus and he told them this parable to provoke them to check their disposition of mind and heart in giving heed to the Word of God. The seeds that fell on the path were eaten up by the bird, those that fell on the rocky ground withered with the sun, those that fell among the thorns were chocked and those that fell on the good soil brought forth grains. 

There are four types of disposition of mind in listening to the Word of God. They can also be called as 4Ws viz. Wondering mind, Wavering mind, Wearied mind and Willful mind. The seeds fell on the path can be compared to the wondering mind that just wonder at the Word of God and the preaching of the same and forget thereafter about it. The rocky ground can be compared to the wavering mind that listens to the Word of God, tries to practice but fails with some distractions. The thorny bush can be compared to the weary mind that is exhausted and too full to listen to the Word of God and to actualize the same. The good soil can be compared to the willful mind that listens intently to the Word of God with the resolve to stand by it come what may and become authentic followers of Jesus and credible Christians. Let us not listen to leave but listen to live the Word of God. In the silence of hearts keep repeating: “Lord Jesus, give me a wilful heart to stand by your Words”

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Fr.for the beautiful message.
    We should make a serious effort to know and open our hearts to the Word of God and reap from Its graces beyond our expectations by being the good and fertile soil.
