Readings: I - Ezk. 2:2-5
II - 2Cor. 12:7-10
III - Mk. 6:1-6
God never gives up His people and is never tired of calling them back to Himself. He sends His chosen ones to turn their hearts towards Himself is the streamline of all three readings today. Prophets Ezekial is sent to the defiant and obstinate Israelites, to turn them back to God from their rebellious attitude. St. Paul was chosen to proclaim Jesus for which he had to endure insults, hardships, persecutions and agonies besides his weakness that weighed him down to discouragement. But God enthused and encouraged him assuring, “My grace is sufficient for you”. Jesus, the Son of God was sent to the Israelites and they rejected Him. The Pride, arrogance and the stubbornness of heart prevented the people of Israel from accepting the ways of God pointed by the prophets, the apostles and various persons of God.
We the new Israel too if often similar to the people of Israel. God’s voice come to us through various ways viz. the bible, prayer, our conscience, shepherds of the Church, parents, relatives, friends, elders and youngers. Do we always pay heed to them? Why do we reject? May be because it is demanding, obstacle to our normal living, we are proud, we don’t want to hear the truth that hurts, it contradicts our thought pattern or because it is challenging. Jesus says, “My sheep hear my voice” (Jn. 10:27). If we listen to His voice, we are His sheep. As the scripture says, “If today you hear His voice, harden not your hearts” (Ps. 95:8), let us dare to listen to God’s voice for if we listen to His voice, we are His people. If we listen to Him, we may also be made His messengers however insignificant we are because His grace is sufficient for us.
May the Lord help us to listen to His voice and stand by it as we in the silence of our hearts keep repeating, “Lord help us to listen to your voice”.
🙏 Lord help us to listen to your voice
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