Tuesday, May 25, 2021

26.05.2021 - Wednesday.

 26.05.2021 - Wednesday

Indraya Manna - Gospel Reflection

Mark 10: 32-35 (26.05.2021)

Jesus rules out the values proposed by the world to the subservient values of Christian living that enable one to take pride in calling oneself ‘a follower of Jesus’. 

In today’s Gospel according St. Mark, Chapter 10, verses 32 to 45, Jesus is focused about His mission and walks ahead of His disciples and followers, towards Jerusalem to endure suffering, passion and death, for the salvation of the humankind.

The sons of Zebedee, Andrew, and John are keen about getting a place at the right and left hand of Jesus that would give them power and prestige, pomp and glory, reverence and recognition.

Jesus gathers His disciples enlightens and empowers them on the topsy turvy principles of the Kingdom of God. To be a leader is to be a servant; to be the first is to be the last and this is the strategy to inherit a place in the Heavenly Kingdom. During this time of the pandemic, how are we going to serve humanity? Am I going to be a volunteer at the service of the affected? Can I offer material help to the poor who are deprived of their livelihood? Will I offer my prayers in solidarity with the suffering humanity? Or will I ostracize my own family members and neighbors in the name of a pandemic? Let us strive our best to serve in our own little ways and inherit a place in the eternal place in the Kingdom of God.

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