I - Is. 25: 6-10
II - Mt. 15: 29-37
The Gospel reading of the day is the perfect fulfillment of the Prophesy of Prophet Isaiah in the first reading. The Lord their God, whom they waited, for so long years was with them, wiping away their tears and disgrace on the mountain as prophesied. Let us take up the second part of the Gospel reading for our reflection. The compassionate heart of Jesus and the contribution from the crowd made the miracle of the multiplication of the loaves and fish possible. Jesus blessed the mite, the seven loaves and the fish, and fed the multitude that was hungry.
Our God whom we await for during this season of Advent is ‘Immanuel’ - God with us. To this God of ours, let us generously offer the mite that we have, our talent, goodwill, attitude and accomplishments. He would definitely work a miracle out of it for a better world of love, peace, joy and happiness, wiping away every tear from the face of the people and the disgrace of those humiliated and oppressed. May our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “Lord Jesus, help me to yield myself unto Thee”