Thursday, September 30, 2021

St. Theresa of Lisieux I 01.10.2021 - Friday I Rev. Fr. Arokia Doss SDB ...

Bible Reflections I 01.10.2021 - Friday I Indraya Manna I

Ordinary Time - Week 26

            I - Bar. 1: 15-22
           II - Lk. 10: 13-16

St. Theresa of Child Jesus, 
Virgin, Doctor of the Church

Jesus sent out the seventy two with great trust, on his behalf and in his name with a message and necessary tutoring.  Today’s Gospel passage is about the havoc that would be brought upon the people by themselves because of their willful neglect of the Word of God. Rejection of the Word of God is rejection of Jesus and hence rejection of God Himself.  

Today the Church celebrates the feast of St. Theresa of Child Jesus who responded to the love of God with all her heart, mind and strength in her own little way.  She did not do anything extraordinary but little deeds with great love for Jesus.  Every one of her step, move, gesture and activity was an expression of her love for Jesus.  She was a Cloistered Carmelite Nun confined to the convent yet she is the Patroness of missionary, Patroness of France and above all the Doctor of the Church.  Mindfulness about Jesus made her to be obsessed by the love for Jesus. She has promised to help those who choose to love Jesus and adhere to live by his word.  Let us invoke her intercession to help us to be mindful in listening to the Word of God and live by the same for the love of God and as an expression of our love for God.  May our heart and mind resonate with the prayer: “St. Theresa of Child Jesus, teach us to love God in your ‘little way’”.

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

St. Jerome I புனித ஜெரோம் I 30.09.2021 - Thursday I Rev. Fr. Arokia Doss...

Bible Reflections I 30.09.2021 - Thursday I Indraya Manna I

Ordinary Time - Week 26

             I - Neh. 8: 1-12
           II - Lk. 10: 1-12

St. Jerome (Priest, Doctor of the Church)

Today’s Gospel passage is about the trust and tutoring of Jesus.  With great trust in the seventy two, Jesus sends them ahead of him to all the towns and places he himself was to visit.  To them he entrusts the mission of preaching about the Kingdom of God; and healing and curing of the sick.  He does not send them just like that.   He tutors them with instructions on their focus about the mission and provision for their livelihood.  He gave them a purpose to their life and cared for their provisions as well.  

We have a purpose in our life as Christians, to love all and to reflect Christ in all that we do and say.   We strive for life sustenance, education, health, wealth and happiness.  This is quite normal and natural. Do we strive to be become one like Christ in our loving, caring, speaking, listening, associating and accompanying?  We are gifted with a Christian vocation with much love and trust that we be present where Christ himself wishes to be present.  The Holy Spirit and the Holy Bible tutors constantly as to how to put on Christ.  Do we adhere?  Let us be determined and be focused on our Christian living and the caring God will shower His blessings upon even the minute and meticulous things as the Scripture says, “Seek first the Kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you” (Mt. 6: 33).  May we be purpose filled for God cares.

Feast of the Arc Angeles Michael, Gabriel and Raphael I 29.09.2021 - Wed...

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Bible Reflections I 29.09.2021 - Wednesday I Indraya Manna I

Ordinary Time - Week 26

        I - Deu. 7: 9-10, 13-14
       II - Jn. 1: 47-51

St. Michael, St. Gabriel and St. Raphael
(Archangels – Feast )


When Philip spoke about Jesus to Nathanael, in all his simplicity he asked, “Can anything good come from Nazareth?” (Jn. 1: 46) and still with the openness of heart he went with Philip to verify for himself if Jesus was the Messiah and he indeed beheld the truth after meeting Jesus, the Messiah.  We complicate our life that is so simple, create confusion to conceal reality, and willfully reject to accept the truth.  Openness of heart can overtake prejudice, simplicity can surpass stubbornness and pave way to peruse all that is true, real and lasting. Let us with simplicity and openness of heart dare to behold the truth as it comes.  

Today the Church celebrates the feast of the Archangels St. Michael, St. Gabriel and St. Raphael.  The work of St. Michael is to defeat Satan and its rebellious activities, that of St. Raphael is to be the guardian of the wayfarers and finally that of St. Gabriel is to be the messenger of God.  May St. Michael help us to conquer the constant battle between the good and the evil in us defeating all that is not of/for God; St. Gabriel make us like himself the messenger of the Good News wherever we are and St. Raphael be our constant companion in our life journey until we reach our final destination, a blissful eternal life with God. Let us in the silence of our heart keep repeating this prayer: “St. Michael, St. Gabriel and St. Raphael bless us and pray for us”

Monday, September 27, 2021

How to handle Rejection by others ? I 28.09.2021 - Tuesday I Indraya Man...

Bible Reflections I 28.09.2021 - Tuesday I Indraya Manna I

Ordinary Time - Week 26

           I - Zech. 8: 20-23
           II - Lk. 9: 51-56

Jesus was focused about his mission and ministry; and therefore set his face to go to Jerusalem when the days drew near for him to be taken up.  Jesus and his disciples were on their way to Jerusalem through Samaria, the shortcut to Jerusalem.  Though Jesus was already renowned and hailed by people as teacher, preacher and healer, the Samaritans did not receive him into their city because of the constant conflict between the Jews and the Samaritans.  The Jews considered the Samaritans as outcasts and never associated with them.  But to go to Jerusalem they always chose the shortcut through Samaria and this caused prejudice in the minds of the Samaritans and hence they refused to receive Jesus too into their city.  The disciples of Jesus, James and John wanted Jesus to command them to bring down fire from heave to destroy them.  But Jesus rebuked his disciples and went through another village to Jerusalem.  

We can draw two lessons from the Gospel passage of the day.  First, the Samaritans in their prejudice received not Jesus, the promised one of God and the restorer (Deu. 18:15) whom they believed in and waited for.  And Secondly, Jesus was so gentle and understanding enough to respect the freedom and feelings of the Samaritans that he went through another village to Jerusalem.  Everyone has their own reason for their reaction.  When we choose to go beyond and to respond, we will be sure to cease the chances, opportunities, prospects and possibilities ahead unlike the Samaritans. Let us also like Jesus, be gentle and respect the freedom of others than violating, coercing and trampling. May our heart and mind resonate with the prayer: “Gentle Jesus, teach me to be like you”.

Sunday, September 26, 2021

St. Vincent de Paul I 27.09.2021 - Monday I Rev..Fr.. Arokia Doss SDB I ...

கிறிஸ்துவின் சாயலை அணிந்துகொள்ளுங்கள்.I 26.09.2021 - Sunday I Rev. Fr. A...

குடும்பமே புனிதத்தின் பாதையில்...I 25.09.2021- Saturday I Rev. Fr. Arok...

Bible Reflections I 27.09.2021 - Monday I Indraya Manna I

Ordinary Time - Week 26

            I - Zech. 8: 1-8
           II - Lk. 9: 46-50

The life and teachings of Jesus topsy turvy the standard set by the world. The preaching of Jesus counteract and contradict the principles of the world order turning it upside down. In today’s Gospel passage, Jesus says that anyone who welcomes a little child in His name, welcomes in the name of the Father and such a person is great in the Kingdom of Heaven. In the Jewish society, children were considered insignificant, least and were unrecognized. In reaching out to such little child lies the greatness of the person.  

‘Little child’ connotes, the helpless, the hopeless, the marginalised, the poor, the downtrodden, the oppressed, the weak and the vulnerable. In short, the neglected section of the society. St. Theresa of Calcutta is a concrete example of our time. She is great because she served the neglected, rejected and the abandoned section of the society in the name of Jesus. Greatness consists in becoming small by befriending and serving the least in the name and for the sake of Jesus. Let us take the model of Jesus, who emptied himself in the incarnation for our sake and who stooped down like a servant to wash the feet of his disciples and set an example for us to be followed. We become great in serving the least. May our mind and heart resonate with this prayer: “Jesus, meek and humble of heart, make my heart like yours”.

Saturday, September 25, 2021

Bible Reflections I 26.09.2021 - Sunday I Indraya Manna I

Ordinary Time - Week 26

       I - Num. 11: 25-29
      II - Jas. 5: 1-6
    III - Mk. 9: 38: 43, 
                     45, 47-48

World Day of Migrants and Refugees

God’s favour is not the privilege of few.  He bestows His gifts upon people for a purpose.  The reading of the day invites us to acknowledge and accept the gift of God conferred on others with openness of heart than to be envious and suspicious as did Joshua, the assistant of Moses in the first reading and John, the beloved disciple of Jesus in the Gospel reading. The Spirit we have received is the spirit of unity as St. Paul in his letter to the Ephesians would say, “Be diligent to preserve the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace” (Eph. 4: 3).  In the first reading the Spirit anoints Eldad and Medad for prophesying in the camp.  ‘Someone’ in the Gospel passage drove out demon in the name of Jesus.  One in the spirit and for the common good.  

The gifts given by God is not the private possession but they are to be given away and shared for human welfare and up building; precisely for the glory of God.  If we realise this we will be able to appreciate and rejoice at the gifts of others rather than feeling envy, jealousy, greedy and resentment.  As children of God we are called to be grateful for our own gifts and talents and; are invited to glorify and praise God for the gifts He has bestowed on others all for his honour and for the good of the humankind.  

September 26 is celebrated as the World Day of Migrants and Refugees.  Let us intensify our prayers for them and try to share our gifts and blessings with them for they too are children of God like us, created in the image of God.  May our heart and mind resound with the prayer: “Lord Jesus, Help us to rejoice at the gifts of others”

Friday, September 24, 2021

Bible Reflections I 25.09.2021 - Saturday I Indraya Manna I

Ordinary Time - Week 25

            I - Zec. 2: 1-5, 10-11
           II - Lk. 9: 43 - 45

Fame, name, pomp, glory, honour, praise or popularity can never disturb or disorient a determined, convinced, focused and highly goal oriented person. In today’s Gospel passage we read that people were astounded at the greatness of God and were amazed at all that Jesus was doing.  The disciples would have been definitely dwelling in the heights of happiness and peak of pride about their master. Jesus in a way distracts and disrupts them by reminding them of the reality about his mission viz. suffering, passion, death and resurrection.  Confidence in God, Clarity about his mission, focus on the goal and his great passion to accomplish the will of the Father, persuaded Jesus to proceed ahead in his ministry and mission remaining neutral to all circumstances.  

Almost all people in the world are mesmerized, delighted, influenced, enthralled, fascinated and captivated by praise, pride, applause, glory and honour.  They are ready to do anything to attain the same.  Christian living contradicts this and on the contrary calls for a commitment to God’s will.  It exhorts us to change our focus from the transitory to fix our gaze on the transcendent. When we position our life centering around God, we can actualise the words of St. Paul in our own life, “…through glory and dishonor, bad report and good report; genuine, yet regarded as impostors; known, yet regarded as unknown; dying, and yet we live on; beaten, and yet not killed; sorrowful, yet always rejoicing; poor, yet making many rich; having nothing, and yet possessing everything” (2 Cor. 6: 8-10).  Then, can we hear the voice of God calling us as “Beloved son/daughter”.

Thursday, September 23, 2021

உங்களுக்கு இயேசு என்பவர் யார்? I 24.09.2021 - Friday I Rev. Fr. Arokia D...

Bible Reflections I 24.09.2021 - Friday I Indraya Manna I

Ordinary Time - Week 25

            I - Haggai 2: 1-9
           II - Lk. 9: 18 - 22

Everyone comes into the world with an identity and a purpose.  John the Baptist came as the forerunner to prepare the way of the Lord, the Messiah.  Prophet Elijah destroyed the false prophets and turned the hearts of people towards Yahweh.  All prophets were chosen by God for a purpose viz. to uproot, tear down, destroy, overthrow, build and to plant (Jer. 1:10) so as to turn the hearts of people towards God.  To the question Jesus asked his disciples, “But who do you say that I am?” Peter answered, “The Messiah of God”.  And thereafter, Jesus explains to them about his suffering, rejection, death and resurrection - the purpose of the incarnation of the Son of God.  He came to save all through his passion and death; and to restore the world to its original standard through His resurrection on the third day.  He was clear about his identity and was focused about his mission.

We are the children of God and this is our identity but about our purpose, let us go back to our catechism class where we have learnt that God created us to know him, to love him, to serve him and to be happy with him forever.  The knowledge of God and our love for Him will definitely drive us to serve Him.  Serving God is serving the brothers and sisters around us, for the bible says, “Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me” (Mt. 25: 40). All three will result in the ultimate objective of remaining with Him forever in perfect happiness, peace and joy. Let us in the silence of our heart and mind keep repeating this prayer: “Lord Jesus, help me to know you, to love you, to serve you and to be happy with you forever”.

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

புனித பியோ I Saint Pio I 23.09.2021 - Thursday I Rev. Fr. Arokia Doss SD...

Bible Reflections I 23.09.2021 - Thursday I Indraya Manna I

Ordinary Time - Week 25

         I - Haggai 1: 1-8
        II - Lk. 9: 7 - 9

An exemplary living has an extraordinary impact on the lives of people living around.  Those influenced positively, set them as their role models and aspire for a transformed living.  Instead, their life become a threat to some because of sheer jealousy, hatred and rivalry. Those who consider them as their rivals are always obsessed by their thought that they plan to get rid of them at any cost.  Possible strategy to accomplish their purpose could be spreading rumours, false accusations, propagating gossips and finally extinguish them from the face of the earth when the vengeance reach to its extremity.    

In today’s Gospel passage, Herod was perplexed at the thought of Jesus who accomplished great things in Galilee on account of which a large crowd was always after him.  The life and teaching of John the Baptist was a stumbling block to his sinful living and therefore under the pretext of keeping his promise, he had him beheaded.  The life of Jesus disturbed him so much that he wished to see him; and towards the end, he also had his part in the crucifixion of Jesus.

Right to live is the basic human right of every individual.  Therefore allow everyone to live their life to the full and never trample or violate because of the stereo mindset or sheer jealousy. Accept, admit, respect, revere and allow the unique life style and life pattern of the other to make this earth a heaven and a pleasant land for all children of God to live.

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

அன்பும் தாழ்ச்சியுமே புதிய ஆயுதமாய் I 22.09.2021 - Wednesday I Rev. Fr. ...

Bible Reflections I 22.09.2021- Wednesday I Indraya Manna I

Ordinary Time - Week 25

            I - Ezra 9: 5-9
           II - Lk. 9: 1 - 6


The Gospel passage of the day is on Jesus assigning the ministry of driving away the demons, curing of diseases, proclamation of the Kingdom of God and healing the sick.  Jesus entrusted the ministry to the twelve and suggested them about their means of living as well.  The Gospel passage enlivens the preaching of Jesus, “But seek first the Kingdom and His righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well” (Mt. 6:33); “Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into the barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them.  Are you not more valuable” (Mt. 6:26).  Hence, Jesus exhorts his disciples to concentrate on the mission than on the means of living.  

Each of us as Christians are entrusted with the same mission of preaching, proclaiming and healing.  To preach through words is easy to everyone but to preach through life is witnessing, demanding and credible.  Dare to proclaim the Good News to the sick, depressed, discourages, distressed and the downtrodden that our God is ‘Immanuel’ - God with us.  Let us commit to heal the world with our smile, kindness, cheerfulness, compassion, mercy, love, forgiveness and gentleness.  In doing all these we become credible Christians and faithful followers of Jesus Christ, our Lord.  Keep focused on the ministry and mission entrusted, and true to the promises of the Lord, the rest will fall in line, one blessing after another, all for the glory of the Lord.  May our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “Lord Jesus, make me your instrument of love, peace and joy”.

Monday, September 20, 2021

திருத்தூதர் மத்தேயு I St. Matthew the Apostle I 21.09.2021 - Tuesday I R...

Bible Reflections I 21.09.2021 - Tuesday I Indraya Manna I

Ordinary Time - Week 25

I - Eph. 4: 1 - 7, 11-13
           II - Mt. 9: 9 - 13


The Gospel passage of the day is on the call of Matthew, for, the Church celebrates the Church celebrates of St. Matthew, the apostle of Jesus and the evangelist. Matthew was the tax collector for the Romans and therefore he was as a traitor. The tax collectors always earned the hatred of the common people at their credit because they always collected more than that was levied by the Romans and hence there were financially rich. The tax collectors were considered as sinners, outcasts and scum of the Jewish society. The Jews seldom associated with them. To such a person came the invitation from Jesus “Follow me”. The intent look and the powerful invitation of Jesus, pierced the eyes and conquered the heart of Matthew that he gave up his profiteering profession as tax collector to gain life eternal with the Lord. To the criticism of Pharisees, the self-righteous people Jesus responded saying, “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick……For I have come to call not the righteous but sinners”.  
The guilt feeling that arises on account of sin is the powerful weapon of the evil one that prevents us from approaching the throne of God. Today’s Gospel passage is a consolation and an encouragement, for Jesus says, “I have come to call not the righteous but the sinners”. From the life of Matthew we can hope for a new beginning and a new life in Jesus. Matthew was shrewd to capture the set look of Jesus and smart to respond to the appealing words of Jesus. Jesus had come to call the sinners not the righteous (Mt. 9:13). He is the Good Shepherd that leaves the ninety nine in search of the one that is lost (Lk. 15: 1-7). “God does not see as mortals see; they look on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart” (1 Sam. 16:7). The Lord knows that we are weak and fragile. Let us allow and yield ourselves unto the grace of God for a transformation and a new life in Jesus Christ our Lord. No more feeling of guilt or unworthiness but repentance and a will to change. May St. Matthew help us for repentance and transformation to capture the gaze and the words of Jesus.    

Sunday, September 19, 2021

Let your light Shine I உங்கள் ஒளி ஒளிர்வதாக I 20.09.2021 - Monday I Rev....

Bible Reflections I 20.09.2021 - Monday I Indraya Manna

Ordinary Time - Week 25

          I - Ezra 1: 1 - 6
        II - Lk. 8: 16 - 18

The three verses of the Gospel passage today carries three lessons for life: an exhortation, a caution and a condition.  

An exhortation: Each of us are bestowed with varied gifts and talents not for personal purpose but to colour the world with our charism and thereby glorify the creator.  “We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. If your gift is prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your  faith;  if it is serving, then serve; if it is teaching, then teach;   if it is to encourage, then give encouragement; if it is giving, then give generously; if it is to lead,  do it diligently; if it is to show mercy, do it cheerfully” (Rom. 12: 6-8).  In the letter of St. Peter we read, “As good stewards of the manifold grace of God, each of you should use whatever gift he has received to serve others” (1 Pt. 4:10).  Therefore Jesus exhorts us to lift our lights high to lift the world to its original order.

A caution:  Jesus in today’s Gospel passage says that nothing will be hidden and that everything will be disclosed.  One cannot dwell in duplicate living, for one day the mask of duplicity will be torn and the real self will be revealed.  Let us beware of conducting a double standard living for, “whatever you have said in the dark shall be heard in the light, and what you have whispered in private rooms shall be proclaimed on the housetops” (Lk. 13:3)   

A condition: In the parable of the talent (Mt. 25: 14-30) we read that the servant who kept his one talent idle had to forego for having not utilised the same.  If we fail to utilise the gifts of God that had been showered on us will automatically be lost. Failing to use God’s gifts to serve each other is failing to be a good steward.  The condition here is to work to more with what we have in order to have our gifts and talents multiplied.

Saturday, September 18, 2021

HUMILITY THAT CAN SAVE THE WORLD I 19.09.2021 - Sunday I Rev. Fr. Arokia...

Bible Reflections I 19.09.2021 - Sunday I Indraya Manna I

Ordinary Time - Week 25

         I - Wis. 2: 12, 17-20
        II - Jas. 3: 16 - 4:3
       III - Mk. 9: 30 -37

The righteous and the upright life of people is often considered as a sign of contradiction and therefore is always an inconvenience and a great threat to the ‘people of this world’ (Lk. 16:8).  Their envy and selfish attitude shun them from associating freely and spontaneously with the ‘people of light’ (Lk. 16:8).  Therefore the people of darkness, those who belong to this world, torment and torture the people of light under the pretext of examining their endurance and credibility and in the end they erase them from the face of the earth itself.  This is the crux of all three readings today.  The two readings culminate in the Gospel passage today in which Jesus explains about his suffering, death and resurrection to his disciples.  Jesus did good wherever he went (Acts. 10:38) but still he was a threat to the Pharisees because they thought that the whole world was after him (Jh. 12:19).  It was merely because of sheer jealousy and unwillingness to accept the good in Jesus.       

There is a famous saying, “The tree that bears fruit will be stoned”.  Virtuous and good people are always a stumbling block by their very life to the people who live anyhow and any way. They will be dreaded and derided for no reason. If we suffer because we live by Gospel values, let us caution and encourage ourselves with the word of Jesus - "If the world hates you, be aware that it hated me before it hated you……..If it persecuted me, they will persecute you” (Jh. 15: 18-21); “Rejoice and be glad; for great is your reward in heaven” (Mt. 5:12).  Let us live as St. Paul exhorts, “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind” (Rom. 12:2).  Dare to follow the preaching and life of Jesus who has conquered this world (Jh. 16:33), for he says, “I will be with you always even until the end of the world” (Mt28:20).  With Jesus we can overcome all things and all people, at all times.

Friday, September 17, 2021

Kutty Story - 1 I குட்டி கதைகள் I Indraya Manna I

இறைவார்த்தை உன்னில் வாழ்கிறதா ? அல்லது வீழ்கிறதா ?18.09.2021 - Saturday ...

Bible Reflections I 18.09.2021 - Saturday I Indraya Manna I

Ordinary Time - Week 24

         I - 1Tim. 6: 13-16
        II - Lk. 8: 4-14         


Today’s Gospel passage is about the parable of the sower and the seed. It’s about the seed and the yield, highlighting the receptiveness of the soil it fell upon. Same sower and the same seed but the yield varied with the place where they were sowed. Some fell on the path, while some on the rock, still others amidst the thorns and thistles and the seed that fell on the good soil produced a hundred fold.  

Based on the parable, people can be divided into four types: the hearers, the impetuous, the opportunists and the doers. Hearers can be compared to the seed that fell on the path. This type of people just hear the Word of God and just leave it in the air without giving a second thought. They can be easily distracted. The impetuous are quick to respond but without standing steadfast in the same. These people can give up easily. The opportunists understand well but waver in their steadfastness. These people pick up what is pleasing and give up all that is demanding. They follow the Word at their own convenience. The doers accomplish every Word of the Lord and bear witness to Him at all times. They yield a hundred fold giving glory to the Lord. To which category to do belong? Let us stand by the Word of God and bear witness to the same thereby making our life resolute, meaningful, and purposeful.

Thursday, September 16, 2021

Shining Women Discipleship I 17.09.2021- Friday I Rev. Fr. Arokia Doss ...

Bible Reflections I 17.09.2021 - Friday I Indraya Manna I

Ordinary Time - Week 24

            I - 1Tim. 6: 2-12
           II - Lk. 8: 1-3

Jesus came to restore the relationship with God reflected in the establishment of an egalitarian society where, freedom, fraternity, equality and justice reign and this is the Kingdom of God. Jesus taught on the streets and the lanes, preached in the synagogue and on the shores, healed the deformed and the disabled, cured of evil spirits and infirmities as a sign of the blossoming of the Kingdom of God that was so immanent. Jesus gave a giant leap in the composition of his team that consisted of women as well, as we read in the Gospel passage today. The rabbis in Israel, holding on to the law, tradition and practices withdrew themselves from associating with women and valued them as ‘no persons’, secondary citizens and inferior to men. Unlike the Jewish rabbis, Jesus befriended women and had them too to be in the team of followers. He gave them a fitting place in his team and made them the partakers of his mission as well. This is the greatest sign of equality that reign in the Kingdom of God for: “There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus” (Gal. 3:28).  

There are innumerable groups of activists who protest and fight for gender equality. Men and women are never equals they are complimentary. One gets completed in the other and also one cannot exist without the other. And hence, equality in dignity has to be insisted. We are the loving children of God the Father, created in His own likeness and image and hence there is no distinction in the dignity. Violating the dignity of the other is violating oneself. Trampling the other is tampering oneself. Let us imitate the legendry life of Jesus to restore the respect and human dignity of women keeping in mind that one cannot exist without the other and that one compliments the other, for we are all one in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Forgiveness : Love without Frontiers I Rev. Fr. Arokia Doss SDB I Indray...

Bible Reflections I 16.09.2021 - Thursday I Indraya Manna I

Ordinary Time - Week 24

            I - 1Tim. 4: 12-16
           II - Lk. 7: 36-50

Love surpasses all frontiers, hurdles, difficulties and hitches. Love spotlights the loved one amidst all odds. Geared by an abounding love, because of the mercy, compassion, gentleness, affection and above all by the love of the Lord Jesus, the woman, the disgust and the scum of the society dared to enter the house of the Pharisee and anointed the feet of the Lord. Jesus was as usual accused but he took up for the woman, defended and praised her act, an expression of her love that bothered nothing and none.  

A bit of love can set all things right. For the sake of love one is ready to give up anything. For the love of mankind, Jesus gave up his divine nature and took up the form of the human person. For the sake of the love of God, Mary consented to be the mother of Jesus. For the sake of the love for the triune God, many had endured persecution. For the sake of following Christ, many still sacrifice all that they can, in order to bear witness to the love of the Lord. Love is giving. Let us shun our mind and heart to ‘what others will think/say” and begin to love God and neighbour without any restriction as our Lord Jesus had taught and exhorted us. By our act of love, that has neither restriction nor reservation, let people know that we are Christians after the heart of Christ. May our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “Lord Jesus, fill our heart with your love”

Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Our Lady of Sorrows I 15.09.2021 - Wednesday I Rev. Fr. Arokia Doss SDB ...

Bible Reflections I 15.09.2021 - Wednesday I Indraya Manna I

Ordinary Time - Week 24

           I - 1Tim. 3: 14-16
           II - Lk. 7: 31-35

Mary, Mother of Sorrows (Memoria)

In today’s Gospel passage we read, God's wisdom, however, is shown to be true by all who accept it (Lk. 7:35). To yield ourselves unto the will of God, turning deaf to the comments, remarks, allegations, appreciations and criticism of all around is wisdom. Neither John the Baptist not Jesus Christ was affected by the accusations of the Scribes and the Pharisees because they fixed their focus on the will of God and were passionate in accomplishing the same. Hence they became so prominent and vital in the history of salvation of mankind. Mother of Sorrows, our Blessed Mother is not an exception to the same. The sorrows endured on account of her Son is the Master Plan of God in the history of salvation. Not once but seven times her heart was pierced with swords:  

1. The Prophecy of Simeon. 
2. The Flight into Egypt.
3. The Loss of the Child Jesus in the Temple.
4. The Meeting of Jesus on his way to Calvary
5. The Crucifixion of Jesus on Mount Calvary.
6. Jesus is Taken Down from the Cross.
7. The Burial of Jesus.

Never once did Mother Mary complain about her suffering to God. She endured with faith and with great wisdom placing all her trust in the Lord who is all and always good. We are so prone to seek appreciation and praises from the lips of the people around us. None of us wish to risk our good name or reputation. We are ready to do anything on this account. This is utter foolishness and wasting of our life in vain. Our happiness must come from God alone and this is possible only when we resolve to live by the will of God. As we fondly remember our blessed mother today, let us invoke her to intercede for us to take delight in yielding ourselves unto the will of God.

Monday, September 13, 2021

The Exaltation of the Holy Cross I 14.09.2021 - Tuesday I Rev. Fr. Aroki...

Bible Reflections I 14.09.2021- Tuesday I Indraya Manna I

Ordinary Time - Week 24

            I - Num. 21: 4-9
           II - Jn. 3: 13-17

All things are possible for God as the Holy Bible says, “…with God all things are possible” (Jer. 32:17, Mt. 19:26).  He humbles and He exalts, He strikes and He heals, He scatters and He gathers, for the sake of His benevolent love for His people.  God can turn punishment into forgiveness, suffering into joy, curse into blessing, mourning into dancing and weeping into joy for the sake of His infinite mercy upon us.  

The Israelites sinned by speaking against the Lord and against Moses His servant; and so God sent poisonous serpents to punish them.  Many of the Israelites died bitten by the serpents.  Moses, prayed and pleaded for the people and hence the sign of punishment and death - the serpent, was turned to sign of forgiveness and life. Everyone bitten by the serpent looked upon the serpent set on a pole and was saved.  Similarly, to save the mankind from sin and death, God sent His only son in form of a human being to save the mankind.  The fall of humanity with the sin of Adam was rectified and restored by the death of the New Adam - Jesus Christ on the cross.  Cross, the sign of punishment, defeat, death and shame was turned into redemption, victory, life and glory with the death of Jesus on the Cross.  By one man, Adam, death entered into the world and the death of one man, Jesus, the New Adam, the entire world is saved and restored. 

Today the Church celebrates the feast of the exaltation of the Holy Cross.  In St. Paul’s letter to the Philippians we read, “…He humbled Himself and became obedient to death, even death on a cross.  Therefor God exalted Him to the highest place and gave Him the name above all names, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father” (Phil. 2: 8-10).  “For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing but to us who are being saved it is the power of God” (1Cor. 1:18).  Yielding our life unto the will of the Father at all times and in all situations like Jesus, will definitely rise us up one day even if it is costing here and now. Let us learn to endure carrying our daily cross (Lk. 9 :23) as they come on our way with all love so that one day we too may be exalted for glorifying God the Father with our life here on earth.

Sunday, September 12, 2021

ஒரு வார்த்தை போதும் இயேசுவே... I 13.09.2021 - Monday I Rev. Fr. Arokia D...

Bible Reflections I 13.09.2021 - Monday I Indraya Manna I

Ordinary Time - Week 24


I - Tim. 2: 1-7

           II - Lk. 7: 1-10



Today’s Gospel passage is about Jesus, healing the salve of a centurion.  We can take three learning lessons from this Gospel passage. One from Jesus and two from the centurion.  The credibility in the words of Jesus and from the centurion, his regard for his slave, the Bible says that he valued him highly; and the faith of the centurion in the words of Jesus evinced in his saying, “But only speak the word, and let my servant be healed” and it happened.   

The word of God is powerful but do we have faith in the same when the time demands?  We see people flocking to this person and that person for good and encouraging words when the promising words are propelling and are ample in the Bible.  Some go a step beyond to predict the future having recourse to palmistry, numerology, medium and the like.  Place the trust in the Lord who holds the future and the master of our lives.  Flock to Him for all things are possible with Him and for Him.  Unlike the centurion, we have received the gift of faith in our Lord Jesus Christ right from the day of our Baptism, let that light of faith neither flicker not wear out rather keep alive oiling it with the life giving and  credible words of Jesus.  

Like the centurion, may we too have regard for our subordinates.  Value them, consider their suffering and setbacks as your own with an attitude of love and empathy; and try your best to alleviate their pain and sorrow. Enwrap yourselves with humanness so as to empathise with them and by this people may know that we are Christians following the Lord who is love itself. Let our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “Lord Jesus, help me to seek you at all times”.             

Friday, September 10, 2021

இறைவார்த்தை நம்மில் வாழ்வாகட்டும் I 11.09.2021 - Saturday I Rev. Fr. Aro...

Bible Reflections I 11.09.2021 - Saturday I Indraya Manna I

Ordinary Time - Week 23

            I - Tim. 1: 15-17
           II - Lk. 6: 43-49

A grandfather was teaching his grandson about life.  He said, “A terrible fight between two wolves is going on inside me.  One is evil and the other is good.  The evil is: anger, jealousy, hatred, greed, arrogance, resentment, ego and pride.  The good is: love, peace, joy, compassion, mercy, faith, hope, empathy, kindness, humility, forgiveness and benevolence.  The same fight is going on inside you and every other person as well”.  The grandson thought for a while and asked his grandfather, “Which wolf will win?” The grandfather replied, “The one you feed”.  In today’s Gospel passage Jesus says that a good tree bears good fruit and the bad tree bad fruit.  People do no pick figs from thorns nor gather grapes from brambles.  A man’s words flow words flow out of what fills his heart.   

Jesus exhorts his followers not to be mere hearers of his word but doers of the same.  A person captivated by God’s words cannot but obey his words and stand by them at all times.  Spikenard when crushed fills the ambient and the hand that crushes with its pleasant aroma.  So too are the doers of the word of God.  They prove their faith more fervently at the testing times as did Job in the Bible.  These are the people who build their house on the rock that stands firm even with the flood.  These are the good trees that yield good fruits, in season and out of season.  These are the people who feed their soul constantly with the word of God and reap it in good deeds proving their authenticity.  In this light let us examine our life whether we are mere hearers of the word or doers of the word as well yielding good fruit glorifying the Lord. May our mind and heart resonate with this prayer: “Lord Jesus, give me the courage to stand by your word”.

Thursday, September 9, 2021

நம்மை மாற்றுவோம், உலகம் தானாய் மாறும் I 10.09.2021 - Friday I Rev. Fr. ...

Bible Reflections I 10.09.2021 - Friday I Indraya Manna I

Ordinary Time - Week 23

       I - Tim. 1: 1-2, 12-14
     II - Lk. 6: 39-42

In today’s Gospel passage Jesus speaks of a parable about the blind leading the blind which is quite impossible for both of them will fall into a pit. A person cannot point the mistake of the other when he/she is into the same mistake. We become so stringent in our accusation towards the faults of the other while we are so liberal and have a long margin for the similar accusation that we make towards the other. We are so often worried about the splinter in the other person’s eye while there is a plank in our own eyes. One blind cannot lead the other. Only the righteous one has the authority and power to judge at the faults of the other. God alone is righteous and he patience and never rash in his judgment.

When the woman caught in the very act of committing adultery was brought to Jesus, he said, “He that is without sin among you, let him cast the first stone at her” (Jn. 8:7). While we are prone to judge others, let us pose the same verse upon us so that we may not fall a prey to the temptation of judging others. With the realisation that all of us are sinners in need of God’s mercy, let us walk hand in hand with each other in all understanding, sympathy, forgiveness, empathy and love. May our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “Lord Jesus, lead me not into the temptation of judging others”

Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Bible Reflections I 08.09.2021 - Wednesday I Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary I Indraya Manna I

Ordinary Time - Week 23

        I - Micah 5: 2-5
       II - Mt. 1: 1-16, 18-23

Birthdays are significant in association with the relationship one holds with that person.  We behold the birthday of our dear and near ones with joy and jubilation for unto us was that day given a gift so great, gorgeous and gracious. Today the Church celebrates the Birthday of the Blessed Mary, the mother of the Lord and the mother of all humankind.  The Church solemnises the birthday of three persons only: John the Baptist, the forerunner of the Messiah, the Blessed Virgin Mary, the mother of Jesus and Jesus, the long awaited Messiah, the promised One of God.    

Mother Mary is the queen of the heaven and of the earth yet, she is the mother of us all, the sinful and the sorrowful; the weak and the lowly.  Mother’s love is so supreme that it surpasses and supersedes all love here on earth.  Her merciful look, kind words, compassionate heart, loving deeds, helping hands, hurrying feet to the needy child and her sacrificing life are incomparable that knows no bounds. Every mother is the personification of Gods’ love to her children and the mother of Jesus, given to us as our mother is the perfect reflection of the heart of her Son and our Lord Jesus Christ. In all her apparitions, Mother Mary exhorts people to pray so that they may align their lives unto the ways of God that leads to Heaven, the ultimate destination of all humankind.  

We in Tamil Nadu in particular solemnise this day celebrating the feast of our Lady of Velankanni.  A day dear to all the devotees of Our Lady of Good Health who flock to her church on foot with a mixture of emotions; joy, gratitude, sorrow, pain, suffering, hope, love, anxiety and faith.  Unfortunately they must be confining themselves in their own places with the great nostalgia for the Basilica of our Blessed Mother, Our Lady of Velankanni, due this pandemic.  Let us pray for all the devotees of Mother Mary and all humankind as well.  Let us invoke our Blessed Mother to wipe away Covid and restore the face of the earth.  May our mind and heart resonate with the prayer: “Mother Mary, our Lady of Velankanni, Pray for us”.

Monday, September 6, 2021

வாழ்கையில் சரியான முடிவுகள் எடுப்பது எப்படி? I 07.09.2021 - Tuesday I Re...

Bible Reflections I 07.09.2021 - Tuesday I Indraya Manna I

Ordinary Time - Week 23

            I - Col. 2: 6-15
           II - Lk. 6: 12-19

The hotline connection of Jesus with the Father in Prayer was reflected in his ordinary yet effective living among the people. All his ministry: preaching, healing, cleansing, performing miracles and decision making, was backed up in perfect union with God in prayer. His life of prayer geared his mission among the people despite, rejection, misunderstanding, fault finding, accusations and allegations of the religious fanatics in particular, the Scribes and the Pharisees. Therefore Jesus was able to do good wherever he went (Acts. 10:38).

Prayer is surrender. Surrender of our will, pride, ego and self-interest so that we may be able to discern what actually God wants of us. If the life of prayer betrays our ordinary living with the people then it is hypocrisy. We many spend hours and hours in prayer but if that prayer does not help us or rather lead us to forgive, help, care, share, empathise and above all to love others as ourselves, then it is duplicity and double standard living that the Lord detests. Like Jesus, our prayer should lead us to an integrated living that is powerful and witnessing. Let us ask God for this grace as we keep repeating: “Lord Jesus, help us for an integrated living”.

Sunday, September 5, 2021

மதங்களை தாண்டிய மனிதநேயம் 06.09.2021 - Monday I Rev. Fr. Arokia Doss SDB...

Bible Reflections I 06.09.2021 - Monday I Indraya Manna I

Ordinary Time - Week 23R


I - Col. 1: 24-2:3

           II - Lk. 6: 6-11


Today’s Gospel passage is about Jesus healing a man with the weathered hand on a Sabbath day.  Jesus knew that the Pharisees were watching whether he would heal him so that they can find some reason to accuse him.  The man with the weathered hand did not ask for a healing but Jesus on his own initiated the healing with the intention of refuting the Pharisees about their hypocrisy in observing the Sabbath.  Jesus indeed knew that this act would definitely earn the wrath of the Pharisees, still he stood up for what was right: to do good and to save life on the Sabbath; and this is lawful, noble, human and religious.  

Often times we do know what is right and truthful but still we hesitate to side the same because of the fear of losing relationship, reputation, name, fame, power and position.  We remain so inhuman in willfully denying to stand by what is just and truth despite seeing the other helpless and suffering. It is heartrending, sinful and sorrowing for the Lord says, “Do what is just and right. Rescue from the hand of the oppressor the one who has been robbed. Do no wrong or violence to the foreigner, the fatherless or the widow, and do not shed innocent blood in this place” (Jer. 22:3).  Let us dare to stand up for what is right after the example of Jesus our Lord and Master.  May our mind and hear resonate with this prayer: “Lord Jesus, give us the courage to stand up for what is right”      

ஆண்டவர் உங்களுக்காக போராட வருகிறார் I 05.09.2021 - Sunday I Rev. Fr. Aro...

Saturday, September 4, 2021

Bible Reflections I 05.09.2021- Sunday I Indraya Manna I

Ordinary Time - Week 23

            I - Is. 35: 4-7
           II - Jas. 2: 1-5
          III - Mk. 7: 31-37

The first reading is about the day of the Messiah, prophesy foretold by Prophet Isaiah and the Gospel reading comes as the fulfillment of that prophesy in Christ Jesus our Lord, in the healing of the deaf and the speech impaired person. The second reading is an exhortation to the Christians to build their life upon Christian love that shows no favouritism to anyone based on riches and laurels of the world; and this is the messianic era modeled after the life of the Messiah where freedom, equality, fraternity and justice reign. 

St. Paul in his letter to the Galatians says, “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female’ for you are all one in Christ Jesus (Gal. 3:38). Do we Christians conduct our life this way? Don’t we too favour people based on wealth, riches, power, influence, caste, status and the place they come from? If so, then we are closed up to the life and teaching of our Master Jesus Christ that is based on love, forgiveness, mercy, kindness, generosity, understanding, empathy and gentleness. Let us today invite the Lord to open up our mind and heart to accept everyone as children of God, created in the image and likeness of God. May the ‘Ephphatha’ of Jesus be said unto us so that we become exemplary Christians living an edifying life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Friday, September 3, 2021

அனைத்திலும் நிறைவையே காண்போம் I 04.09.2021 - Saturday I Rev. Fr. Arokia ...

மனப்பக்குவம் அடைவது எப்படி? I 03.09.2021 - Friday I Rev. Fr. Arokia Doss...

Bible Reflections I 04.09.2021 - Saturday I Indraya Manna I

Ordinary Time - Week 22

           I - Col. 1: 21-23
           II - Lk. 6: 1-5

Sabbath, the day of rest, was merely diluted to a day of ‘don’t dos’. Abstinence from all work and availability to the Lord was the crux of the observance of Sabbath. In today’s Gospel passage, Jesus defends his disciples saying, “The Son of man is the Lord of Sabbath”. The disciples were walking with Jesus, in total availability to the Lord and that is Sabbath. Hence the disciples were perfect in observing the Sabbath. Jesus by defending his disciples, clarifies the vision of the religious leaders to fix focus on the spirit of Law rather than burdening and oppressing people under the pretext of the observance of the Law.  

One does not become a religious by mere observance of its rules and rituals. Prayer, fasting, penance, abstinence and all acts of piety should help the person to be available to the Lords and His demands of love, otherwise they are self-gratification and hypocrisy that the Lord detests. Let us live by the essence of the law of the Lord than focusing on rituals and rules of the religion.

Thursday, September 2, 2021

Bible Reflections I 03.09.2021 - Friday I Indraya Manna I

Ordinary Time - Week 22

            I - Col. 1: 15-20
           II - Lk. 5: 33-39

The arrival of the bridegroom is beheld with great joy and jubilation for it connotes a grand celebration. People do not fast during celebrations. The presence of Jesus, the long awaited Messiah is a celebration as the scripture describes: “….neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, not pain anymore, for the former things have passed away” (Rev. 21:4) and hence there is no necessity for fasting, weeping or sorrowing. The Pharisees adamantly refused to accept Jesus as the Promised One, the fulfillment of the prophecy and continued with their fasting and prayer awaiting the arrival of the Messiah while he was still amidst them.  

Jesus is ‘Immanuel’ - ‘God with us’. We are often perturbed by petty problems as though we have no God to turn to. We must have been crossing so many barriers with God in the past but when time comes, we forget and keep mourning, sorrowing and sighing. Dare to fight the battle and face life as it comes for we have a mighty God and a great warrior in Christ Jesus, our Lord. Realising the presence of Jesus in our life is celebration of life itself. Let us live a life of celebration with God. May our mind and heart resonate as we keep repeating: “Lord Jesus, you are Immanuel - God with us”.

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

உங்கள் உதவிக்கு யாரை தேடுகிறீர்கள்? I 02.09.2021 - Thursday I Rev. Fr. A...

Bible Reflections I 02.09.2021 - Thursday I Indraya Manna

Ordinary Time - Week 22

       I - Col. 1: 9-14
     II - Lk. 5: 1-11


Peter was a professional fisherman.  To him Jesus said, “Put out into the deep water and let down your nets for a catch”.  Peter instantaneously obliged saying, “Master, we have worked all night long but have caught nothing.  Yet if you say so I will let down the nets”.  This evinces the trust of Peter in the words of Jesus for he had witnessed the healing of his mother-in-law with his rebuke on fever.  Tremendous trust of Peter in the words of Jesus, turns out the miracle of the might catch. 

The word of God has the power to perform and accomplish; touch and transform life; and toggle and topsy turvy plans and predictions.  The word of God can infuse hope, enthuse spirit, refresh minds, renew hearts, shed light, cast fear, calm agitation, give courage, instil purpose and strengthen to stand steadfast in the Lord.  I have seen most of the families reading the bible during their family prayer, children reading the bible during their rising and before going to rest, adults reading the bible at the time of decision making, confusions, problems, anxieties and worries, elderly people praying all the time with the bible.  I appreciate and encourage. But are we the doers of the Word as well, as did Peter?  If we are able to actualise the demands of the word of God: to love, to forgive, to care, to share, to give up, to accept, to defend the hopeless, helpless and the poor then can we expect a great miracle as did Peter, love, joy, hope, trust, serenity, health, strength, prosperity and peace enveloping our life, making it meaningful and purposeful.